The projects of our oligarchy for our future continue to weigh – Consortiumnews


Caitlin Johnstone rejects dogma stolen around the colonization of space and challenges readers to accept and live on planet earth.

By Caitlin Johnstone

IIt's rare for a billionaire to share big plans for the future, which is odd because billionaires run the world. Whenever they do, it's always something incredibly sociopathic, like replacing all jobs with billionaire-owned automatisms / AIs. give people a universal basic income fixed by the government owned by a billionaire. Or charge all humans on rockets and send them live Amazon Space Dildos.

Billionaire Elon Musk, who hate the unions and wants implant AI in the human brain, continues this trend of plutocratic idiotic futurology with a new campaign blow up nuclear weapons on the planet Mars. This is not because Musk hates Mars, but because he wants to colonize her; The idea is to vaporize the red planet's ice caps and blow carbon dioxide into the air to make the planet more habitable.

Scientists are express skepticism that such a plan could even work even before opening the debate "It's not because you can do it that you should". The sending of nuclear weapons into space, for whatever reason, should give rise to a categorical rejection of all mankind, because placing nuclear weapons in Earth orbit was the wet dream of war engine engineers for centuries. decades and pretending that they were going on Mars would serve as an ideal cover. circumvent international treaties on space until it's too late to prevent it.

Musk Claims he wants to colonize Mars because a new dark age resulting from a third world war seems "likely", and he wants to make sure that there will be humans living on the outside of the planet to repopulate it after we have wiped ourselves. Rather than devote wealth, intellectual capacity and resources to the status quo change that has placed the world's nuclear powers in a stalemate for a global military confrontation that will destroy our biosphere, this billionaire decided that it was better to neutralize Mars from so that a reserve human bench can live on a rock of desert space.

This is the class of people who calls the shots in our world. These are the spirits who choose our destiny for us. I would not trust them to run a gas station.

And Elon Musk is one of the safest billionaires.

I am going to take a lot of criticism for saying that, but I sincerely believe that the impulse to colonize space is one of the most pernicious viruses of the cultural spirit in our society. I mean, think about it: here we have a planet for which we are perfectly adapted, and we burn it on the ground while looking up to a red dot in the sky: "You know I bet if I hit that bitch, I could build a hermetically sealed house one day. How much more foolish can you become?

I oppose a cultural dogma that has been the dominant doctrine for generations, but I really find all this flouting of adventure and this indomitable human mind of exploration rather tedious and idiotic in terms of colonization of space . We have creatures swimming in our own oceans with brains much larger than ours, and we are eliminating them even before they have developed any sort of real theory about what they do with all that extra gray matter. . Parts of the moon are better explored than the vast expanses of our own seas. We do not even know what consciousness is, and science is not interested in answering this question. I do not believe that the spirit of exploration and adventure puts our aspiration to pierce the stars. I think it's nothing but the escape of garden varieties

We all have a friend or family member who is completely miserable and who is always leaving jobs and relationships, moving and changing diets in a desperate attempt to find happiness. They reorganize their way of life for the umpteenth time and settle down just before they look at another aspect of their lives. They say to themselves, "This is the source of my misfortune here. If I can only escape that, I'll be happy. "

These people exasperate their presence, because you can see what they are doing and just want to sit down and say, "The problem is in you, baby. Moving will not help; your inner demons will follow you every time. You must stay on the spot and solve your problems. "

In search of evacuation routes

Our species reminds me of this type of personality right now. So many of us are eagerly awaiting an emergency exit from the outside to save us from ourselves; some eagerly await the second coming of Jesus, some eagerly await the arrival of the extraterrestrials to save the day, others eagerly await that the Democrats or Republicans finally capture the whole of the government and put things in order with the world, and some hope the billionaires will set up a space colonization program so we can get out of this cursed blue orb before destroying it. But there is no deus ex machina here. Nobody is going to save us from ourselves. Even if we manage to escape from home, we will inevitably have the same inner demons that have put us in trouble.

We must turn inward and evolve beyond our self-destructive drives. The only way out is to get through. The mental virus of celestial escape prevents us from doing so because it offers us another false promise of two ex machina. This saves us from doing the real hard but necessary homework, just like addiction, playing Netflix or any other type of escape.

Can you try a little thought experiment for me? Imagine, just a moment, if we removed the colonization of space. Completely. Forever. We just decided that this would never happen and we all offered to accept it. Just imagine it. Really put yourself there a minute.

What does it change in you? What does it change in your attitude towards our future? If we are honest with ourselves, I think that will change a bit. For me, when I leave the table to conquer space, it leads me in a direction that seems extremely healthy. It makes me say, "Oh, okay, we will obviously have to get rid of the status quo of an endless war and an ecocide, because these will ruin this place, which will dramatically change our relationships with each other and with our ecosystem. This means that women around the world will have full sovereignty in matters of procreation and education because it has been proven that it is to reverse population growth. It will mean stopping thinking like cancer, believing that endless growth is a virtue. It will mean no more believing that the existence of thousands of billions of human beings is what our species can hope for better, even though we have not yet reached the surface of our potential on a large scale. And I suppose it will also involve getting together and finding a way to detect and neutralize the threat of apocalyptic meteor attacks. "


Imagine that. Imagine if, instead of trying to figure out how to fill the sky with trillions of mediocre human beings, we would turn inward, heal our inner demons and realize our full potential. Such a world would be a paradise. From my own experience, I know that humans are capable of much more than we have achieved so far; we really did not scratch the surface at all. If we are going to explore, the direction of this exploration must be internal.

I really think that the traditional idea that we can always get upset about the black void in the sky if things go wrong here is to prevent us from truly addressing our urgent need to preserve the ecosystem context in which we have evolved. and for which there is no evidence. that we can live without.

I mean, we do not even know that the colonization of space is possible. For now, we have no evidence that humans are sufficiently separated and separable from the terrestrial biosphere to make their survival outside our ecosystem a reality. Humans do not really separate 'things'; they are a symbiotic collaboration of organisms with their own ecosystems, which, to our knowledge, depend entirely on the larger ecosystem from which we have flourished. So far, all our attempts to create independent biospheres have failed miserably, and we have come closer to life in space has consisted only of superb diving excursions: space station visits dependent on all a land lifeline. It's the difference between flying and jumping. It may be as delirious as our brains think that they can jump out of our skull and live independently of our body, or that some river swirls say they are heading for the mainland.

And even if it is possible, why would you want it? Do not people know what a space is? Do they know that there is nothing boring, but that it is very difficult to get there and survive? Have you ever been trapped for a long time, surrounded by everything that has been made by man, such as in an airplane or a cruise ship? Imagine that, but much worse and for a lot longer. It would be a sterile and artificial existence; even if you managed to import plants and animals, they would be ordered in a synthetic way, no more natural than the young trees grown in the islands of the circulation. At best, it would be like being in a mall all your life. You would be cut off from the primordial flow of your world of origin. There would be no real life there. No real soul.

Imagine never feeling the star-splattered splash of rain on your face. Imagine never again hearing the roar of the wind on a winter night or the experience of the thunder of the ocean during a big day of surfing. Imagine never being carried away by the brightness of a rainbow, the exciting lightning or the astonishing beauty of a sunset or the first rays of the spring sunshine, warming your neck with tenderness. Imagine never meeting a friendly squirrel, a shy possum or a little feast of wild blackberries. Imagine never lying in the filtered spotted light through a beautiful tree. I do not know about you, but the breeze would be too much in my hair to leave. I love him here and he loves me as a mother loves his child. It's not just at home, I've grown up on earth as surely as a mushroom or hippocampus. I am a part of the earth and the earth is a part of me. We belong together.

It's easy to feel helpless. The sages do not have money and therefore no power. We are led by a handful of pampered male-children and it seems they have the last word. But I thought about Rupert Sheldrake's ideas on morphic resonance a lot lately and I am more and more convinced that even one of us who brings awareness to one aspect of our collective darkness is able to inform the flock without saying anything and instantly. So, do me a favor if you wish. Go and start another experiment for me. Go out now and place your hand on the ground and say to the Earth these words: "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." Say it as many times as you want. Say it and think about it.

And see what happens next.

Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopian editor who regularly publishes medium. Follow his work on Facebook, Twitter, or her website. She has a Podcast and a new book "Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers. "

This article has been republished with permission.

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