The real reason people refuse to shop in Kristen Bell's new baby line


Kristen Bell is best known for her talent on the big screen. She has appeared in such films as "Forget Sarah Marshall" and as Anna's voice in Disney's "Frozen". She is now off the screen to embark on a new venture: a range of herbal baby products. But when she made the big announcement, people quickly criticized. Here's why some boycott the line.

Kristen Bell Dax Shephard
| Walter McBride / Getty Images

Kristen Bell launched Hello Bello with her husband Dax Shepherd

Bell and Shepherd wanted to create a range of environmentally friendly but affordable baby products for everyday parents. In an interview with Today & # 39; hui, the couple explained why he wanted to get into baby products. "A lot of people have to choose what's good for their baby or what's good for their budget, and we do not think it's fair in general," Bell said. Although Bell and Shepherd could easily afford high-end baby products, they wanted to make life easier for all other parents who were not in the same situation.

The line includes all herbal products

The line, called Hello Bello, contains only baby products made from plants. Products include diapers, wipes, lotions, washes and sprays for parents of young children who want quality products without the incredible price. As baby supplies are very expensive, Bell and Shepherd wanted to change the market a bit. According to USA Today, their products today account for one-third of the price of similar baby products sold in stores. Baby lotion sells for just under $ 6, while 180-unit wipes sell for $ 5.64. The line will be sold exclusively at WalMart – and the public has loved everything so far.

Critics have criticized Bell for selling the line exclusively to WalMart

Bell and Shepherd have partnered with WalMart for their new line,
but fans and critics have been quick to slam the actor and the actress for their
decision. WalMart has been at the center of some major issues in the past,
including the mistreatment of employees and not paying them enough

"Why Walmart? One of the worst companies in America … would love that if it was not linked, "wrote a user. The comment received more than 260 "likes", as well as many other people's endorsements approving them. "Same," one user replied, "I was very curious until they said it, and now it's nonsense." Some said they would not buy from WalMart, but they would buy online through the Hello Bello website.

Bell did not comment on negativity, and some support his new venture

Bell did not respond to any negative comments about
where the couple chose to market the items. And despite the criticisms, there is
others liked the idea and supported Bell and Shepherd's decision to
sell at Walmart. "If you really want to put a healthy product in all hands,
you work with Walmart, "wrote a user. The couple worked on the
a few years ago and the alternative of buying the products
Web site rather than at WalMart should satisfy everyone.

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