The safest way to tell you have COVID-19


COVID-19 has dozens, if not hundreds, of potential symptoms. Many of these overlap with more minor illnesses and can be mistaken for a cold, the flu, or just a feeling of being down. But experts say one symptom of coronavirus is almost definitive: a loss of taste or smell. According to a study published on January 5 in the Journal of Internal Medicine, 86% of patients with mild cases of COVID-19 experienced loss of taste and smell. This matches an earlier study reported by American scientist, in which about 80 percent of COVID patients have reported these disorders. “Loss of smell is so common in people with the disease that some researchers have recommended its use as diagnostic test because it may be a more reliable marker than fever or other symptoms, “the post says. Read on, and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these sure signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The reasons for the taste and the loss of smell are not clear

Experts don’t know why this is happening, just that it is widespread. Last month, Dr Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease specialist, said that “the fairly frequent occurrence of loss of smell and taste, which precedes the onset of respiratory symptoms,” was “of of particular interest ”for researchers.

One theory is that the virus first settles in the nasal cells. So far, research suggests “that the main attack of the coronavirus is in the nose, in the nasal epithelium, which is the layer of skin-like cells in charge of expressing odors,” said Leo Nissola, MD, last month. “It appears that viral attacks support cells and stem cells in the nose.”

He added: “These cells maintain balance and signal the brain. In some patients, when infected with COVID, this balance is disturbed, and this leads to a shutdown of neuronal signaling, and therefore of smell. . “

In some people, this loss may persist. A July CDC study found that loss of taste or smell lasts an average of eight days, but some people experience it for weeks after their initial infection. the Journal of Internal Medicine study found that after two months, 15% of people had not regained their lost senses.

RELATED: Symptoms of COVID Usually Appear in This Order, Study Finds

The safest way to know if you have COVID-19

A loss of taste or smell may indicate that you have the coronavirus. To be sure, take a test – a PCR test is considered the gold standard – or talk to a healthcare professional. And do all you can to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19 in the first place: Wear a face mask, get tested if you think you have coronavirus, avoid crowds (and bars, and house parties), practice social distancing, only do essential groceries, wash your hands regularly, sanitize surfaces frequently affected and get through this pandemic to the best of your health, don’t miss them 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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