The selfie of his mother saves her after her collapse, he suffers a stroke


A 28-year-old Irish mother took a selfie just minutes before collapsing and having a stroke. Now, his family attributes this photo to him for saving his life, reports the Irish Sun.

Stephanie Farnan of Wexford was found on the floor by her father Frank, who had just dropped off his 4 year old son in school on the morning of August 23rd. Sean, Stephanie's older brother, would have examined her phone and would have come through a selfie, she had taken 14 minutes to be discovered.

Farnan was taken to the hospital, where doctors learned that she had suffered from brain bleeding.

"I do not remember taking the picture or anything that morning," she told the newspaper. "I just remember getting up and having a whim and the next thing I remember is waking up at the Beaumont USI." [Hospital]. "

According to the Sun, doctors believe that Farnan's attack was caused by a hole in his heart and an adverse reaction to a contraceptive patch.

"My mom and the rest of the family have been told that I will not succeed and that I will not prepare for the worst," she said.

Fortunately, doctors would have been able to establish a schedule of the day's events using his selfie and giving him anticoagulant medications that can only be administered in a specific trauma window.

Photo: GoFundMe

Looking back, Farnan told the newspaper that she had missed the signs that led to her stroke and now warns others to become aware of their condition.

"My vision in one eye was off for a day or two," she recalls. "I felt tired or did not wear enough glasses, I did not think it was the kind of thing about going to the doctor."


Risk Factors for Stroke and Symptoms of Stroke

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Strokes are more common in the elderly, with the risk of stroke doubling almost every decade after the age of 55.

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The risk of stroke is higher among those whose immediate family members have had a stroke, and this accident may be a symptom of various hereditary disorders.

(Photo by Yellow Dog Productions via Getty)

The risk of death from stroke is higher among African Americans, who also present a higher risk of complications such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

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Women are also more likely to die from a stroke, probably because of factors such as the use of contraceptives and complications of pregnancy.

(Photo of Hinterhaus Productions via Getty)

Strokes are more likely in people who have ever had a stroke or heart attack.

(Photo of Morsa Images via Getty)

Southeast states are also called "stroke belt" states, because strokes are more common in this situation.a.

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Alcohol abuse can lead to many problems, including strokes.

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Speech difficulties are a major symptom of the person who has had or is having a stroke.

(Photo by Henrik Sorensen via Getty)

The most visible sign of the stroke is probably the sagging of one side of the face, or numbness of the face.

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The weakness of one side of the body is another symptom of a stroke.

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Since his treatment, Farnan uses a cane to keep his balance with drugs and suffers from partial blindness in his right eye. His family has also organized a fundraiser on GoFundMe to help cover his medical and travel expenses.

"As she is unable to work and has a long way to go to recover, her work not covering sickness benefits, we decided to create this page to ease the stress of her bill and her daily life", explains fundraising. .


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