The sound can be transported by tiny particles of negative gravity


Important update

The conventional wisdom in physics is that sound waves are unpressurized mass fluctuations that pass through materials such as air, water and eardrums – and can not pass through empty spaces.

That's why the recent discovery that sound waves actually carry a tiny mass is so shocking: it's right under scientists' noses for centuries. Even more surprising, according to Scientist US report on the conclusion, is that sound waves seem to carry negative mass: they seem to drift slowly upwards rather than falling on Earth.

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New search, recently published in the journal Letters of physical examination, discovered that sound waves carry mass traces in the form of tiny "phonons" resembling particles.

Previous research done by one of the same scientists first discovered this phenomenon of negative gravity, but only when the sound traveled through specific materials called superfluid, through which the waves can flow with resistance nothing. But in this new study, physicists have calculated that sound waves can also carry mass through more conventional liquids, as well as solids and gases.


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