The study of the river dolphin reveals an extensive "language"


A pair of Araguaian dolphins. (Gabriel Melo Alves dos Santos)

(CN) – New study released Friday on the Araguaian River
dolphin, also called the araguaian boto, suggests that further research on
River dolphins could show how communication has evolved in underwater mammals.

Stationed in the basin of the Araguaian River in central Brazil, a
An international team of biologists has studied the interactions between river dolphins.

"We used underwater microphones called hydrophones and GoPro
cameras to record the behavior of animals under water, "said the University of
Laura May-Collado, biologist in Vermont.

L & # 39; study
published Friday in the scientific journal PeerJ, explains that 20
237 calls, whistles and other associated messages have been recorded.
dolphin signals from the river.

"I think the two most exciting things are that this river
Dolphin species seems to be more social and talkative than other river dolphins
species, and that mom and calves seem to use a special kind of signal for
communicate with each other, "said May-Collado.

Until this study, it was thought that the araguaian boto had little
to do with each other. Even spotting the creatures was difficult until the
head of the study, Gabriel Melo-Santos, Scottish University of St. Andrews,
found a fish market at the water's edge in Mocajuba that animals visit, seeking to feed themselves
by the people there.

Biologists knew that the araguaian boto, which has weak
the view, used the sound to navigate and find food. The study shows how the dolphin
communicates socially, using higher frequencies than long distance communications
communication between whales and signals lower than short distance between seamen
dolphins. Now scientists are hoping to do research on dolphins in other South American countries.
rivers, to reconstruct the evolution of underwater communication.

River dolphins are "the only living representative of a
lineage, "said May-Collado. They diverged from other cetaceans earlier than
dolphins, from which they are distant, which makes their
meaningful communication models.

Have their sounds formed to avoid echoes in a river
environment, as opposed to the open sea? Did their lonely ways affect their
sounds? How do they compare to stronger group identity marine mammals?
like killer whales?

"The next step is to register mothers and calves in a
controlled setting so we can learn more about the signal and its variation
among the individuals, "said May-Collado.


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