The supermassive black hole in the center of the milky has lit up stronger than ever


  • the a supermassive black hole in the center of the milky fairy lit brighter than ever.
  • The researchers who made this discovery initially thought that they could look at a star.
  • The black hole of the Milky Way is not usually very active and scientists are looking for more data to determine why it suddenly shined so brightly.

Our solar system, the Milky Way, has a supermassive black hole in the heart of it and it just shone brighter than ever.

Sagittarius A * is normally a pretty, dim, black hole that only flashes from time to time to let us know it's still there. It's because he does not have
active center.

But this week, astronomers have seen the black hole shine 75 times more than usual in the infrared before returning to its usual level.

In fact, the light of the black hole was so bright that
Tuan Do, who spotted the anomaly of the Keck Observatory, thought that it was a star at the beginning.

Cornell University is now on a mission to find out why.

Looking for answers

The amount of light has
The black holes emitted are not the real black hole that shines, but the disc around its center of gravity attracts dust and gases from the surrounding area.

The friction between the particles in the disc is what produces the radiation that can be captured by the infrared readings.

S0-2 is a star that passed near the black hole last year. It is possible that this changes the way the gas flows into the black hole. "So more gas falls in, making it more variable," Do said.
Science Alert.

But scientists can only speculate on what has actually happened until they have more data to analyze. Fortunately, Keck Observatory is not the only eye to follow
Black hole of the Milky Way

Other telescopes like Spitzer, Chandra, Swift and ALMA also monitor the night sky. Retaining more data from these sources can help scientists understand what has happened.

See also:

NASA has just spotted a black hole that turns so fast that it could turn the space itself

Our own black hole in the Milky Way does not eat everything "everything"

Hubble found a black hole disk that should be nonexistent


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