The transmission of the Delta variant is now “high” in most of Minnesota. Here is a map. – Twin towns


Community transmission of the coronavirus is at a high level in 62 counties in Minnesota and face masks are recommended for anyone visiting indoor public places for much of the state.

The recent spate of COVID-19 infections is due to the more contagious delta variant, which health officials say is responsible for 95% of new cases. More than 99% of new infections, hospitalizations and deaths are among people who are not fully immunized.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing masks indoors in any county where community transmission is considered high or substantial. In Minnesota, 79 of the state’s 87 counties meet this threshold and there are only eight counties where the spread is considered moderate.

The state health ministry on Monday reported 1,470 new cases of coronavirus and five more deaths from COVID-19 have been recorded. The latest deaths were between the ages of 50 and 90, and all five resided in private homes.

Almost 11 million samples from 4.8 million Minnesotans have been tested for the coronavirus since March 2020. There have been 626,310 cases diagnosed and 609,532 of those infected have recovered sufficiently that they no longer need treatment. ‘be isolated.

There are more than 400 hospital patients, 109 of whom are in critical condition. The last time these many hospital beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients was three months ago.

Hospitals are using 17 of their nearly 1,000 beds as “spare capacity”. Intensive care and regular hospital beds are scarce in the Twin Cities metro, according to state data.

Late Sunday, Governor Tim Walz announced that he was extending a reward program offering $ 100 to anyone who receives their first dose of the vaccine until August 22. More than 55,450 Minnesotans have applied for the incentive, at a cost of $ 5.5 million paid with federal relief funds, since the program began in early August.

The state recorded 7,171 virus infections out of 3 million fully vaccinated residents, or about 0.24%. Of these, 584 had to be hospitalized and 60 died.

In total, Minnesota has administered more than 6 million doses of the vaccine since December 2020. More than 3.2 million have received their first dose and 3 million have completed their vaccination series.

About 73 percent of adults and 70 percent of residents 16 years of age and older have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

For more information on vaccines, visit: Claim the $ 100 vaccine reward at


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