The Trump administration seeks to expel children with life-threatening diseases


Every year, the United States receives about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the United States who apply for permission to remain in the country without incurring deportation so that family members can continue to receive vital medical care that is not needed. are not available in their country of origin.

But the Trump administration quietly told families who had been allowed to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay had been canceled and that they had 33 days to leave the country. The policy is applied retroactively to any application filed by August 7 at the latest.

During a conference call with reporters, lawyers and Democrats expressed outrage at the rule.

"This is a new minimum, even for Donald Trump," Ed Markey, D-Mass representative, said Thursday. During a conference call with reporters.

Jonathan Sanchez, 16, has cystic fibrosis.

Her mother, Mariela Sanchez, told NBC 10 in Boston that her family had arrived in the United States in 2016 and that she had recently applied for an exemption for medical expenses. After losing a girl with hereditary disease and incurable because doctors in Honduras did not diagnose her, she knows what would have happened to her son if he had not been treated in the United States.

"He would be dead," she told the station.

"This administration is now deporting children with cancer. Maybe that's why we were too ashamed to publicly announce this policy change, "said Markey, who has been trying to draw the country's attention to the issue since his first report to Boston by WBUR- FM, a public radio station.

The Department of Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for comment from NBC News. In a previous release, US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said they no longer consider non-military deferred action requests "to focus agency resources on the faithful management of legal immigration system of our country ".

The change was not made public and members of the public did not have the opportunity to comment before it came into effect. The families simply received letters informing them that they had 33 days to leave.

"They tell these people that they have to leave on their own," said Anthony Marino, director of immigration legal services, on "The Rachel Maddow Show," on families of critically ill relatives at risk of deportation. .

"I do not know how they expect parents to take their children out of hospital beds, disconnect them from life-saving treatments, and go to a place where they know they're going to die. "said Marino. "But that's what they tell them to do."

In Miami, attorney Milena Portillo told the Miami Herald that families who sought medical parole included a malignant girl in the eyes, a girl with cerebral palsy and the father of three children – American citizens – suffering from 39, terminal liver disease.

"As a country, we are losing our humanitarian side," Portillo told The Herald. "We do not examine on a case-by-case basis, but simply give a general" no "to everyone."

Representative Ayana Pressley, D-Mass., Quoted in Thursday's appeal at the Thursday trial, concerns the case of a young boy, Samuel, 5, from Brazil. She stated that he was unable to eat solid foods and that without care at Boston's pediatric hospital, he would not be able to receive the nutrients he needed to live.

Sirlen Costa, of Brazil, is holding her five year old son Samuel under the watch of his niece, Danyelle Sales, right, at a press conference on August 26, 2019 in Boston. Costa brought his son to the United States in search of treatment for his short bowel syndrome.Elise Amendola / AP

"With this decision, this administration has again reached a new floor," said Pressley. "To fight for your life, imagine in addition to the deportation."

The American Immigration Lawyers Association has called on the USCIS to reverse the policy change. He asked people to contact the elected leaders to change him.

The negative reactions to the changes have created confusion as to which agency in the Department of Homeland Security, the USCIS or Immigration and Customs Enforcement, is to apply the new policy, as the agencies have designated themselves as competent.

Medical reports are not the only refusals. USCIS told NBC News that it applies to all other deferred action requests outside the military and to immigrants enrolled in the Deferred Action Plan for the arrival of childhood or DACA.

Policy change is another of the measures taken by the administration that have had a direct impact on children, whether they are immigrants or US citizens.


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