The West Nile Phoenix virus cases have passed the 2018 mark


(Getty Images / Joe Raedle)

PHOENIX – Maricopa County has already exceeded the number of confirmed West Nile virus cases last year.

Statistics from the County Public Health Section showed that 27 cases had been recorded. There have been 24 such cases in 2018.

Arizona had 391 confirmed cases in 2004, reported the Centers for Disease Control.

A spokesman for the Maricopa County Environmental Services Department said that the number of mosquito traps tested positive for West Nile virus had increased by more than 200.

As of Monday, there were 335 positive samples; last year, there were 138.

"We have identified thousands of problem areas in terms of mosquito breeding or potential breeding," said Johnny Dilone, of the Environmental Services Agency. KTAR News 92.3 FM Monday.

The mosquito season extends from late April to October. The insects most likely to carry the virus are particularly active at dawn and dusk.

"We are trying to be ahead of the game," said Dilone, setting up over 800 mosquito traps a week and monitoring problem areas.

The ministry is also focused on complaints. "If the public learns that there are other areas where it might have an adult mosquito problem, we will also monitor these areas," Dilone said.

According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, most people infected with the virus do not show symptoms or are only slightly ill.

There have been deaths – about 1 in 150 develop serious illness and 1 in 10 die.

The symptoms resemble those of the flu: fever, head and body pain, weakness, nausea, joint pain and swollen glands that can last from a few days to a few weeks.

The most serious symptoms – and the rarest – include seizures and paralysis. Some have fallen into a coma.

There is no specific treatment for West Nile virus. Doctors usually advise rest, fluids and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Prevention of mosquito bites comes down to a few things. County health officials have recommended the use of an insect repellent; wear light colored clothing and keep your arms and legs covered; and get rid of stagnant water in your garden.

"Anything that could collect water," said Dilone, can become fertile ground for mosquitoes. "Even something as small as the cap of a bottle of water."

Ashley Flood of 92.3 FM from KTAR News contributed to this report.


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