The wormholes are NOT shortcuts: a study indicates that the use of portals would take longer than other routes


Scientists now say: Studies that traveling to one of the portals would take longer than other roads.

  • New research postulates that wormholes exist, but are not good forms of transit
  • Previously, wormholes were considered jumps between time and space
  • Researchers say black holes entangled in space are equivalent to wormholes
  • The study also helps to deepen the science of quantum gravity and other puzzles.

According to new research, there is good news and bad news for science fiction fans.

The good news is that wormholes, theoretically known and described throughout history as shortcuts between time and space, can indeed to exist.

The bad news, however, is that it is probably not about viable forms of instant transit.

"It takes longer to cross these wormholes than to go straight, so they are not very useful for space travel," said the author of a new study from Harvard University, Daniel Jafferis.

Science fiction writers may need to rethink their use of black for instant travel after new research.

Science fiction writers may need to rethink their use of black for instant travel after new research.

The theory of general relativity of Albert Einstein has long been creating wormholes, but scientists have not yet observed it.

Jafferis' statements on wormholes come from the analysis of a hypothetical involving two black holes entangled in a quantum level called ER = EPR, a match created by joining two theories of Einstein.

This relationship was posed in 2013 by Juan Maldacena of the Institute for Advanced Study and by Lenny Susskind of Stanford.

According to Jafferis' findings – which should be presented later this month at a meeting of the American Physical Society -, the link between the two entangled black holes existing in the space is in reality shorter than the connection to the wormhole.

"From an outside perspective, traveling through the wormhole equates to quantum teleportation using entangled black holes," said Jafferis.

Although the study may rule out the effectiveness of traveling through wormholes, according to the researchers, the results represent a boon for theories involving quantum physics.

On the one hand, research has allowed me to better understand how light can cross a wormhole and help establish a unifying vision of quantum gravity – a sect of theoretical physics through which gravity can to be described by quantum mechanics.

Although a new study may rule out some theories about wormholes, it has also enriched other reflections on quantum mechanics.

Although a new study may rule out some theories about wormholes, it has also enriched other reflections on quantum mechanics.

Secondly, according to Jafferis, this work could help to solve the so-called black hole information paradox that opposes quantum mechanics to Einstein's general relativity.

Roughly, the theory postulates what happens to matter once it is sucked into a black hole: does it disappear or is it deposited in an unknown place?

& # 39; I think [the research] will teach us profound things about the correspondence gauge / gravity, quantum gravity and even perhaps a new way of formulating mechanics, "said Jafferis


In quantum physics, entangled particles remain linked, so that the actions performed by one affect the behavior of the other, even if they are separated by huge distances.

This means that if you measure "high" for the spin of a photon of an entangled pair, the spin of the other, measured a moment later, will be "low" – even if both are on either side of the world.

Entanglement occurs when part of the particles physically interacts.

A breakthrough in testing Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" could pave the way for ultra-secure quantum communication. Scientists have studied the possibility of using pairs of photons to form a bond over large distances, in a quantum entanglement. Artist's impression

In quantum physics, entangled particles remain bound, so that actions performed by one affect the behavior of the other, even if they are separated by enormous distances (printing from one to another). artist)

For example, a laser beam triggered through a certain type of crystal may cause the division of individual light particles into entangled photon pairs.

The theory that has so disturbed Einstein is also called "remote phantasmagoric action".

Einstein was not satisfied with the theory because it suggested that information could travel faster than light.



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