Theo Epstein leaves the Cubs after nine years, World Series – The Athletic


If there’s one personal memory that comes to mind as Theo Epstein’s era ends with letters and Zoom calls and a stew of joy and regret, it was the last day of the season. 2015.

That was before the pennant clincher at Wrigley Field, Game 7 in Cleveland, and the parade that closed Chicago. Before the big swings which were narrowly lacking. Before the good times turn to the good old days.

We were in Milwaukee and the Cubs finished their 97th win of the season. With a win and a loss for the Pirates, the Cubs could gain a field advantage in the wild card game, but no one really cared.

Epstein, Jed Hoyer, Joe Maddon and reporters watched the Pirates win their 98th game on TV in Maddon’s office after the game and the feeling was that the Cubs had better start the playoffs on the road, far away. ghosts that lingered. the north side.

All that mattered at the time was that the Cubs were back. In their three previous …


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