These 2 neck warmers can be as effective as cloth masks, new study finds


Should you ditch the neck protector as protection against COVID-19?  Experts argue in favor of maintaining the fabric tube.  (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Should you ditch the neck protector as protection against COVID-19? Experts argue in favor of maintaining the fabric tube. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

The big 2020 mask debate continues – this time around, it’s not about whether to wear one or not (experts agree it’s vital) but whether some still offer protection. Last week, fans of the neck protector, a runner’s favorite tube, were hit hard when a study from Duke University appeared to suggest that one type of gaiter was not effective and could actually make it worse. things.

But following appeals from experts to drop the gait altogether, the authors of the Duke study have come forward to clarify that the research may have been taken out of context and was never intended to deter individuals from wear neck warmers. “Our intention was not to say that this mask doesn’t work or never uses a neck warmer,” said study co-author Martin Fischer, associate professor at Duke. New York Times.

Are neck warmers worth wearing? While more research is needed to draw drastic conclusions about athletic wear, a new study released this week by Virginia Tech found that certain types of gaiters can actually provide equal protection to a well-constructed cloth mask – and that wearing two gaiters at the same time can provide even more.

Renowned aerosol expert Linsey Marr led the study, along with Virginia Tech graduate student Jin Pan. Together, they tested two different neck warmers using foam mannequins, a medical nebulizer, and a spray bottle with a saliva-mimicking solution. The first mask was made by Canadian company Chaos and made from 100% polyester (and similar makeup to those sold under the Buff brand). The second gaiter was from Colorado-based Locale Outdoor (formerly Cirque Mountain) and was made from 87% polyester and 13% elastane (also known as spandex or lycra).

Some neck warmers can be as effective as cloth masks

Based on the test, both masks were found to be “100% effective” at containing large droplets (over 20 microns), preventing them from reaching a foam dummy about 12 inches apart. The percentage decreased as the droplets were small, with the gaiters preventing 80-90% of 5 micron droplets and about 50% protection against 1 micron (or 0.000039 inch) droplets.

While none of the gaiters were particularly powerful against the smallest droplets (0.5 micrometers or less), when the Chaos neck warmer was doubled up, it provided “90% efficiency overall. [droplet] measured sizes ”- even larger than some cloth masks. The authors provided a comparison graph showing that a “seamless mask” – as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – offered similar protection to a single gaiter and less than two gaiters.

The results led Marr and Pan to conclude that the two neck guards studied “offer performance similar to that of other fabric masks”. Marr, who declined to comment, wrote in her tweet that she was “happy” with the results and called on more aerosol experts to conduct similar studies.

However, there isn’t enough research to definitively say that all of them help.

Saskia Popescu, an infection control epidemiologist at George Mason University, says the two gaiter studies provide value. “Duke’s initial study is a great place to start, as we have little information on the effectiveness of masks outside of surgical respirators and N95, but it’s ultimately quite limited and should really be seen as a trigger for need more studies, ”Popescu explains to Yahoo Life. “The secondary study, conducted by the Virginia Tech team, addresses this issue and provides important information, but I think what it reiterates is that we need more data and research on the blankets. face shields, including a range of materials, but also face shields – all in terms of source control and protection of the wearer. “

The need for further research is also what struck Dr. Amesh A. Adalja, principal investigator at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, about the gaiter debate. “In general, I think it highlights the fact that not all masks are created equal and you don’t wear a mask to check off a box,” Adalja says. “I think what is needed is more research into the effectiveness of the masks that people wear on a daily basis. And I think the more research we do, the better the directions will be. “

At this time, Adalja would not recommend wearing gaiters. “I would probably stay away from gaiters as the mask of choice because we at least have some evidence that some don’t necessarily work,” Adalja says. “Until we get more data, I probably wouldn’t recommend using a gaiter.” He recommends instead a three-layer cloth mask or surgical mask (which are available in places like CVS and Walgreens), or a face shield, which is available in many places online.

Although brands don’t endorse gaiters as COVID-19 protection, experts say they may be better than no mask at all

In a statement to Yahoo Life, a spokesperson for Chaos, one of the gaiter brands, said the company had “never made any allegations or statements that these … should be worn as PPE. “And suggests wearing them instead” only as a base layer option to cover the mouth / nose. Locale Outdoor had not responded to Yahoo Life’s request for comment at the time of posting, but Buff, listed as a “similar” brand, shared a warning on its website regarding the gaiters.

“The Buff headgear and neck protect against many elements of nature. However, although our multifunctional headgear products cover the entire front of the face (nose, mouth, chin and neck), they are not scientifically proven by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization. (WHO) to prevent you from: (1) contracting a virus / disease / disease or (2) transmitting a virus / disease / disease to someone else, “the statement read.

Yahoo Life medical collaborator Dara Kass says she’s worried less about the effectiveness of neck protectors than about people continuing to wear face coverings. “People are looking for a lot of certainty around this virus and that includes things like wearing masks and neck warmers,” Kass says. “We don’t have perfect data on the protection of every type of face covering, but what we do know is that it’s better to cover your face than not to cover it.”

Kass doesn’t want people who prefer neck warmers to get discouraged by the news and decide not to wear anything. “It’s important to cover your face – with a mask, if possible. But if you don’t, it’s better to cover your face than not to – even with a neck protector, ”says Kass. “A lot of people want us to be wrong, to prove that nothing we say is right. So these studies, without context, risk distracting us from the big picture, which is: covering your face when you’re around someone you don’t know protects them from you and you from them. So wear a mask. If you choose to wear a neck warmer instead of a mask, be aware that it’s probably not as effective, but it’s better than nothing.

For the latest news and updates on the coronavirus, follow to According to experts, people over 60 and those with compromised immune systems continue to be at greatest risk. If you have any questions, please consult the CDC‘sand WHO resource guides.

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