These 5 Serious Illnesses Can Be Caused By The Keto Diet, New Study Finds


The keto diet has taken hold in recent years, both because it has helped many people lose weight and because many dieters find it helpful to think of certain foods as totally off-limits when they are in focus. on weight loss. If you’ve been one of them, a team of health researchers draw your attention to what they call this “very low carb” diet: It’s just been linked to a few of the diets. most discussed chronic, long and chronic. -term illnesses.

For a report recently published in the peer-reviewed journal The frontiers of nutrition, seven medical and nutritional researchers from institutions in the United States and Canada reviewed 123 previous studies. Researchers recognize that the ketogenic diet method of severely limiting carbohydrate intake and setting fasting time parameters around eating can affect how the body metabolizes fat. However, after their review, the study’s authors state: “[…F]or most individuals, the risks of ketogenic diets may outweigh the benefits. “

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Researchers suggest that high consumption of meat, cheese, oils, and other main components of the keto diet, coupled with a lack of proper nutrients, leads to a significant increase in the risk of several common chronic diseases. One of the study’s co-authors, Neal Barnard, MD, chairman of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and professor at George Washington University’s School of Medicine, said, via VegNews: “The foods that are highlighted on a keto diet are the very products that cause colon cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.” The study also lists chronic kidney disease and diabetes as diseases associated with the ketogenic diet.


The authors also note that the keto diet may cause women who are pregnant or may become pregnant to give birth to a child with neural tube defects in the brain and spine.

Barnard added, “New research also shows that these same foods increase the risk of severe COVID-19. “

So while it can be exciting to slip into your favorite old jeans or step on the scales and watch that number drop, you might agree that this goal is secondary to your long-term health. Researchers suggest that consuming fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, which they classify as “protective foods,” provide minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that can help fight these chronic diseases.

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