These face masks are the most effective, according to new CDC guidelines


But what type of mask will give you and others the best protection against any new coronavirus circulating in the air?

“You want to have a minimum two-ply mask, preferably a three-ply mask,” said Allen, who has focused his career on “sick buildings” and how they affect worker performance and productivity.

“In addition to the level of filtration, we have to pay attention to the adjustment,” Allen continued. “You want the mask to pass over the bridge of the nose, under the chin, and flush with the face, resting against the skin. You want your breath to pass through the filter media and not escape through them. sides. “

No N95 masks or expiration values, please

This is important: Don’t buy N95 masks for your own personal use, says the CDC. While these are the most effective – filtering out 95% of all particles – they are considered essential supplies and should continue to be reserved for health workers and other medical first responders.

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In addition, N95 masks must be tailored to adhere to the unique contours of each doctor’s or nurse’s face. You and your loved ones do not have access to this type of expert device.

And be especially wary of similar N95-type masks sold at major retail distributors, Dr. Marybeth Sexton, assistant professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases at Emory University in Atlanta, recently told CNN.

“Some of these community use N95 masks have exhalation valves,” she said. “They make them more comfortable to wear, but you don’t protect the people around you – it puts your airflow directly into the environment.

“It can actually make things worse because it concentrates your breath in that valve, allowing it to pass with some force and the droplets can travel a bit further. We therefore strongly recommend that people do not wear a mask with an exhalation valve. . “

A tightly woven fabric mask

Sheet masks with a high thread count appear to be a great choice, according to new CDC guidelines.

Researchers created a test to determine which masks are the least effective
Look for a tight weave of 100% cotton, according to studies. Use the light test to check the weave: if you can easily see the outline of the individual fibers when you lift the mask up to the light, this is unlikely to be effective.

You want as many layers as possible without sacrificing breathability – if you can’t breathe, you won’t keep the mask on your face. Two and three layer masks seem to do the trick for most people.

According to the CDC, “multiple layers of fabric with a higher thread count have demonstrated superior performance over single layers of fabric with a lower thread count, in some cases filtering out nearly 50% of fine particles under 1. micron.”

This is good news – studies have detected SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols between 1 and 4 microns.

Additionally, studies have shown that multi-layered fabric masks can block between 50% and 80% of fine droplets and particles, and “limit the forward spread of those that are not captured,” the CDC said, “with cloth masks in some studies. on par with surgical masks as barriers for source control.”


The CDC says polypropylene, one of the most commonly produced plastics in the world, can “improve filtering efficiency” because it creates triboelectric charge – or in simple terms, static adhesion.

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This static electricity traps both your outgoing breath and any droplets from others. Since cotton is a more comfortable fabric on the skin, polypropylene is often used as a filter that can be placed inside a two or three layer mask.

Washing kills the electrical charge, but don’t worry. A quick rub between your fingers should bring back that “sticky” load.

One very breathable option, according to the CDC, is silk, which “can help repel wet droplets, reduce fabric wetting and thus maintain breathability and comfort.”

A study published in September examined the ability of cotton, polyester, and silk to remove moisture when used in masks or as mask inserts.

“We found that silk face coverings repel droplets in spray tests as well as disposable single-use surgical masks,” the authors wrote, adding that silk masks “may be more breathable than other fabrics that retain moisture and are reusable for cleaning. “

This brings up an important point: To avoid trapping germs that could irritate your face or reduce the effectiveness of the mask, reusable masks should be washed daily with soap and warm water. Do not wear the mask again until it is completely dry – it is more difficult to breathe if the fabric is wet.

“If you use a filter in your mask, be sure to change it regularly as it can get clogged. You can tell if it makes you feel a little harder to breathe,” Emory said Sexton.

Mask label

Even the most protective mask will fail if you wear it badly. Full face coverage is required at all times, and that means don’t let it slip under your nose, please.

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The noses are important. The droplets from the nose are usually smaller than those from the mouth, but that also means they can stay in the air longer. High-speed camera studies show that sneezes can spread respiratory droplets from 7 to 8 meters – that’s over 26 feet, well above the height of a giraffe (20 feet).

If you have trouble breathing with your nose covered, find a better fitting mask.

It’s also important to wear the mask wherever you go – even in the car if you’re with people outside your bubble.

“If you’re going to take an Uber cab, you absolutely want to have a mask and the driver should have a mask,” Allen said. “And you want to keep the windows down, even if the weather is bad. Just opening the windows a little will really help.”

Always carry hand sanitizer

No matter what type of mask you wear, you’ll need to put it on and take it off to eat, or somehow adjust it while it’s on your face. This makes hand sanitizer a mask’s best friend, experts say.

“Masks slip off all the time, especially when you’re talking,” said Dr. Henry Wu, associate professor of infectious diseases at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.

“So it may need periodic adjustments,” Wu said. “This is all the more reason to have hand sanitizer with you so you can always have clean hands to tighten that mask up or put it back on. .


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