These Retro Final Fantasy VII figures are absolutely amazing


Seeing this image, this music immediately began to scream in my head, and if it does not belong to you, well, I do not know what to say.
Photo: Square-Enix® Products (Twitter)
Toys and collectiblesFigurines, statues, exclusive objects and other goods. Warning: if you look here, you will probably spend money later.

We are living a really amazing time for action figures. Whether you want to spend a few hundred dollars or even twenty dollars, you can get well-articulated and highly detailed reconstructions of some of your favorite characters, all kinds of shows, movies, and more. Comics and games. But that means we also get this: surprisingly intentionally old toys.

At the Tokyo Game Show this week, Square-Enix, supplier of all things chocobos and Donald Duck as master of black magic, has dazzled fans around the world with the latest look at Remake of Final Fantasy VII, the bold multi-part reimagination of the 90's JRPG icon.

Preview of the miniature article
Remake of Final Fantasy VII Continue to look like a brand new game

Blink your eyes and you'll miss some of the newest additions to Final Fantasy VII for the remake, like …

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He's gorgeous and makes characters like Cloud, Tifa, Barrett and Aeris (Aerith? Who is Aerith? No one is Aerith, not here, in my heart, Square-Enix whore) with the power of modern game graphics in a level of fidelity never seen before. Not even really The children of Advent, this CG movie that was bad except two scenes of fights and we should not talk about it!

But anyway, they also had those figurines in action, where Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Aeris and all their friends and foes of the original game looked exactly like the blobs of polygonal chibi blocks that they looked like apart from the fights in the original PlayStation . Game.

And I need them right now.

There were no details on how and when fans, in Japan or abroad, will be able to get the numbers – the sign that accompanies them implies that they might even, to the chagrin of my wallet, being blind objects, with a mysterious character teased for the whole.

But I just … need to know when and how. I will import, I will do anything. I need these voluminous, block-like figurines on my desk, letting me go to the majesty of the original Playstation's attempts to bend 3D polygonal games to its limited technological will. They only have blurry eyes for faces! There are enough sharp angles to send a mathematician into the head! They do not even to have hands! And I love them They are ugly and they are perfect.

I have never really understood the current fascination with retro action figures: why pay a modern and high price for a toy designed to deliberately look shabby? It turns out that I just need to take charge of my childhood in the '90s to achieve what the 80's kids have known for a long time.

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