This Blue Zones smoothie is simple and rich in nutrients


Aexplorer and journalist, Dan Buettner spends much of his time studying the blue zones, regions of the world (including Sardinia, Italy and Okinawa, Japan) where centenarians without health problems are commonplace. A key part of the Blue Zones diet is to eat whole, mostly plant-based foods; the Blue Zones smoothie ticks both boxes.

Buettner shared his Blue Zones smoothie recipe. It has a lot of fruits and vegetables, both of which are food groups that it says you should always have in your fridge and freezer. The only ingredients you need are blueberries, frozen spinach, oat milk, and cinnamon.

Blueberries are a staple for smoothies for a reason. They have a long list of benefits, including supporting gut health and digestion, and reducing the risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Spinach is also a nutritional powerhouse, containing a bunch of. antioxidants as well as fiber and calcium.

Instead of dairy products, Buettner uses oat milk (the darling of the alternative milk package). The people of the Blue Zones usually don’t eat a lot of dairy, and when they do, it’s high quality, so this swap makes sense. According to Buettner, cinnamon “improves sweetness without sugar.” Cinnamon can also help reduce inflammation and blood sugar, and it supports your metabolism. Mix everything in the blender and you have a delicious, nutrient-dense smoothie that helps promote longevity.

1 cup of blueberries
A handful of frozen spinach
1 cup oat milk
A dash of cinnamon

1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
2. Mix until smooth.

Everything you always wanted to know about oat milk:

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