This eating habit alone increases your risk of premature death by 50%, study finds


A new study has just appeared in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics contains disturbing news for people who have become addicted to take out food over the past year. According to research, which analyzed 15 years of eating behavior in more than 35,000 adults aged 20 and older, The “frequent consumption” of meals prepared in restaurants is strongly linked to premature death.

We’ve long known that a diet rich in decadent meals prepared in restaurant kitchens isn’t as healthy as a diet rooted in homemade alternatives, but this new study is unique in that it quantifies just how much bad restaurant meals – or too much delivery orders – could really be for the good of your life.

According to the researchers, who analyzed data provided by the National Survey of Health and Nutritional Examination which interviewed more than 35,000 adults between the years 1999 and 2014, those who ate two restaurant meals (or more) each day were 49% more likely to die from any cause. They were also 65% more likely to die from cancer. During the survey, 2,781 of the respondents died – 511 of them had heart disease and 638 had cancer.

“This is one of the first studies to quantify the association between restaurant meals and mortality,” notes Wei Bao, MD, PhD, professor at the University of Iowa, in the official statement from the study. “Our results, consistent with previous studies, support that frequent dining out is associated with adverse health consequences and may inform future dietary guidelines recommending reducing the consumption of meals prepared outside.”

As we have repeatedly reported to Eat This, Not That !, eating healthy meals at many popular restaurants is really difficult, given that most meals are very high in calories and too high in fat, sodium and in sugar. . Even some of the “healthy” meals are secretly bad for you. Take the “SkinnyLicious Asian Chicken Salad” from Cheesecake Factory. All told, it sounds at 590 calories – about the same as a Quarter Pounder Deluxe Burger from McDonald’s – and has a staggering 2,700 milligrams of sodium with 53 grams of carbohydrate. For perspective, the American Heart Association recommends that no human should consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day.

Remember this the next time you’re unsure whether to make that home-cooked meal or launch your Seamless app. If you eat out every day, you are doing your body a disservice. And for a full list of secret ways restaurants go to great lengths to make their food unhealthy, check out these 15 Sneaky Ways Restaurants Add More Calories to Your Meals.


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