This guy found a 30-year-old Apple IIe who worked in his parents' attic


There are objects in our lives that will forever be related to childhood: a favorite toy, for example, or the first chapter book you've read and are really connected to.

For most of us, these items are forever lost – a long time ago, in the Goodwill trash. This is not the case of Professor John Pfaff who, on February 16, shared with the world a discovery that directly upset him: his computer Apple IIe in activity, aged 30 years.

"Oh my God," he tweeted. "An Apple IIe, sitting in my parents' attic for years, decades, and it works."

The Computer View, released for the first time in 1983, offers an immediate punch to those who are old enough to remember the green text motif that defined the era. And fortunately for Pfaff, he was able to do much more than rethink his computer debut with nostalgia. Because when Pfaff started the machine and set up an old game, he discovered that the computer was ready to play again.

"Put in an old game disc," wrote Pfaff. "Ask if I want to restore a saved game and find one! He must be 30. I still have 10 years."

In the tweet storm that follows, Pfaff documents and retransmits the games of his youth. It is clear that this man regrets storing his childish objects so many years ago.

Fortunately for him, however, these things only happened in the attic of his parents.

Pfaff's discovery and the Twitter feed that followed inspired other people to comment on the computers of the past, and what followed was a pleasant walk in memory.

Now, please excuse me while I'm going to play Track of Oregon.

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