This newly discovered caricaturist crab looks like a rejected Disney character


Ok, that was maybe a little hard. The little guy is adorable. The newly discovered pocket crab nicknamed Callichimaera perplexa roamed the seas 95 million years ago. Although scientists have scoffed at the appearance of crab, this recent discovery is much richer. Published in the journal Science Advances, Callichimaera's discovery forces scientists to rethink crabs.

"The beautiful nightmare crab"

Palaeontologists from Yale University and the University of Alberta have discovered Callichimaera. However, researchers scratched the crustacean. Sharing the discovery described in an interview with the Washington Post, Javier Luque, a postdoctoral paleontologist, explained how crab was very different from its modern cousins.

Callichimaera rocked a beautiful but small shell that resembled that of a lobster as well as flattened legs like oars and huge eyes of "Pound Puppies" that would be adorable in any animal in plush. The eyes were so big on the crab that if humans shared the same proportions, our eyes would be the size of a football. The body of the crab was about the size of a quarter of a piece and was equipped with claw-shaped claws.


Living in the middle of the Cretaceous, Callichimaera was trailing around what is now Colombia, North Africa and the United States at the time when the dinosaurs dominated the Earth.

However, as mentioned in the interview, crustaceans can be the key to better understanding how new body shapes can evolve over time. Research has shown that Callichimaera has a "mosaic of body parts," which has allowed crustaceans to create the evolutionary framework of current crabs.

Regarding the name of the newly discovered crab, Callichimaera perplexa means "beautiful perplexed chimera", derived from a Greek mythological creature that had parts of the body of different animals.

Who knows? In addition to giving researchers a better overview of the 7,000 species of live crabs, Callichimaera could make his debut in the next Jurassic Park suites.


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