This photo of Venus shocked scientists. Here’s why.


The photo is part of a surprising twist involving a probe’s camera.

Fly by photography

NASA’s Parker solar probe got a memory of a lifetime from its trip to study the sun last year.

The probe took this great photo of Venus on July 11, 2020, according to NASA. The photo shows amazing detail of the Venusian surface 7,693 miles away – but one particular detail, released by NASA this week, has scientists excited.

Carefree WISPR

The probe used its built-in Wide Field Imager (WISPR) to capture the photo. Although the instrument was designed to capture images of the solar corona, NASA was also able to use it to capture thermal information about the planet, which it did not know the instrument could do.

“WISPR is designed and tested for visible light observations,” says Angelos Vourlidas, WISPR Project Scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. “We expected to see clouds, but the camera looked across the surface.”

At the center of the planet, you can see a dark area identified as Aphrodite Terra, which is the largest mountainous region of Venus. The reason it’s darker is that it’s 85 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the surrounding area. This indicates that WISPR is able to capture thermal data with light data.

“Either way, exciting scientific opportunities await us,” Vourlidas adds.

Sun bound

Although the photo of the probe came as a pleasant surprise to researchers, Parker real the goal is to study the sun. This is why he accelerates through Venus for assistance by gravity seven times, as part of his seven year mission.

The photo above was taken on his third flight over the planet. The probe most recently passed through Venus on February 20 the next time it approached the Sun.

Maybe in a year we will have another stunning photo of the Venusian surface. For now, we’ll have to settle for all crazy images of Mars Perseverance waiting.

READ MORE: Parker solar probe offers breathtaking views of Venus [NASA]

Learn more about Venus: MIT Scientists Suggest Life Could Thrive In Clouds Of Venus


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