This startup will send DNA of your spit on the moon for $ 99


Shock sticker

A private trip into lunar orbit could cost you between $ 35 and $ 150 million. But today, a start-up company says it will only charge $ 99 for you sure the moon.

Part of you, anyway.

In a recent publication IEEE spectrum LifeShip founder Ben Haldeman presents his startup's plan to send human DNA to the moon – a fanciful venture that could also ensure the survival of humankind, even if the Earth becomes uninhabitable.

Spindle collector

The project will begin this fall with a Kickstarter campaign in which LifeShip will sell $ 99 kits that donors can use to collect samples of their spit.

LifeShip will then extract DNA from the saliva and keep it in an "artificial amber" that will reach the Moon as part of a future Arch Mission trip.

"You provide a saliva sample, then we take your DNA, your source code, and keep it in space for all eternity," Haldeman said. IEEE spectrum.

Unknown survival

"Eternity" could be a stretch, though.

Although your DNA can land on the Moon through the LifeShip project, even Haldeman later indicated that he did not know how long he would survive once he reached his lunar destination.

"We can not guarantee a million years on the moon, but he should stay up there for a while," he said. IEEE spectrum. "It's about archiving life and saving for the future, but also about being fascinated by space travel and the future of this DNA in the future."

READ MORE: This startup wants to hide its DNA on the Moon[[[[IEEE spectrum]

More on the Arch Mission: The Israeli Moon Lander has a vast storehouse of human knowledge


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