Thyroid disease "over-treated" – BBC News


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According to international researchers, hundreds of thousands of people in the UK are unnecessarily prescribed thyroid medications.

They advise against lifelong hormonal treatment for mild and underactive thyroid problems (hypothyroidism), saying that there is not enough evidence that it helps.

Daily tablets do not seem to soothe symptoms such as fatigue, lack of mood and weight gain, they say in the BMJ.

The experts pointed out that patients should not stop taking their medication.

If they have any questions, they should discuss them with their GP at his next routine medication review.

Hypothyroidism affects about one in 20 people but is more common in the elderly and in women.

The thyroid is a gland in the neck that makes hormones to help control energy levels and growth.

  • Do you have an underactive thyroid?

Patients with hypothyroidism are often prescribed daily pills throughout their lives – levothyroxine (T4) or a more expensive drug, liothyronine (T3) – to replace the missing thyroid hormone.

NHS figures show that more than 32 million prescriptions of levothyroxine were issued in England in 2018.

The BMJ's advice aims to provide guidance based on new and better evidence.

The researchers examined data from 21 trials involving more than 2,000 patients (many of whom were over 65 years old) to reach their conclusions.

They say that almost all adults with mild hypothyroidism or "subclinical" will not benefit from hormonal therapy.

Taking a pill and witnessing lifelong checks is a heavy task and there is "uncertainty" about the potential harm, they add.

Current UK guidelines recognize that many patients will not need treatment, but add that for some people, trying daily pills may be worth it.

Dr. Mark Vanderpump, of the Society for Endocrinology, said, "It can be reasonable to try the tablets for a few months and see how the patient feels.

"You do not have to hire someone in a lifetime treatment."

Professor Simon Pearce of Newcastle University said: "Thyroid disease is currently over-treated, but it is too early to recommend not treating young people on the basis of available evidence. better with the treatment. "

Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, who chairs the Royal College of General Practitioners, said, "Thyroid hormones are powerful drugs, and GPs will never prescribe them unless we think they are really beneficial to the person sitting down. tablets and be monitored long term.

"If the evidence shows that it will not be beneficial for our patients, it is important that we know it and that it be reflected in the clinical guidelines that guide our decision making.

"The authors make strong arguments based on recent evidence, and it is important that this new research is taken into account as clinical guidelines are updated and developed, in the best interest of our patients."


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