Tick ​​Season – Better Public Education Needed for Lyme Disease :: exploreClarion.com


Too many deerA few months ago, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection announced that it will conduct a five-year environmental surveillance of ticks to assess the risk of tick-borne diseases in all of Pennsylvania.

(AP Photo / Mike Derer)

Well, I have news for them: the risk of tick-borne diseases is extremely high in Pennsylvania!

It is good that the state finally recognizes this and makes people aware of it, but they should probably spend their money elsewhere, as in public education.

I believe that many Pennsylvanians know perfectly how stag ticks can spread Lyme disease and other diseases, but the message must be repeated and often!

To my knowledge, Lyme disease started to appear in our region in the early 1990s, but it may have been before.

He was diagnosed for the first time in 1975 in Old Lyme, Connecticut.

I have forgotten how many friends and acquaintances have been afflicted with Lyme disease. It's easily tens and probably hundreds. I had it three times myself and my mother had it once.

I learned Lyme disease for the first time shortly after my university degree in 1993. A good friend of mine had it and could not diagnose it before knowing the name of one. doctor, Dr. Joseph, in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. Game.

My friend and others started learning what was happening to them and getting treatment for Lyme disease. Generally, different doses of antibiotics such as doxycycline will do the trick.

Early detection is a key. The more you have, the longer it will usually take longer to get rid of it.

I've been lucky the three times that I've had it. I had a 10 day antibiotic stock each time and he did his job every time.

When my mother had it, my father took her to the ER. The doctor did not believe what they had tried to tell her and she went home without anything. I forced my father to take her back, then she got the help she needed.

Although ticks are a concern at any time of the year, they are bigger now because of young ticks that are so hard to see. They can easily be on, attach and transmit disease after a bite.

Whenever I had it, it was because of tick bites in June and July.

It is something that the state recognizes.

The pupal stage of the blacklegged tick is the cause of most tick-borne diseases in Pennsylvania due to its size and period of activity. It is significantly smaller – about the size of a poppy seed – than the adult and is therefore less likely to be found on the human body.

"The nymphal stage of the life span of a blacklegged tick overlaps with that of people enjoying the outdoors in the spring and summer," said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell. "Tracking and testing them at this stage is extremely important because it will allow us to more accurately determine when and where the risk of human disease is most prevalent and to avoid Lyme disease cases in the future. "

Children and older adults are the most susceptible to tick-borne diseases, but everyone should know what's going on.

Fever, headaches, fatigue and sometimes a rash are common symptoms. But if it is not treated, the infection can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system.

What I recommend is that when these symptoms appear, do not waste your time getting them checked and treated. It does not matter if you go to an emergency room, an express service or a free clinic.

Even if you have to pay out of pocket for treatment, every dollar is worth it. Living and dealing with Lyme disease is not something you want to do, given the ease with which it can be cured.

Now, that does not mean I'm careless when it comes to preventing it from getting it.

I chose not to wear some repellents that could keep more ticks, but it's a choice that every person can make on their own.

DEET and permethrin are the most effective tick repellents.

DEET can be applied to skin or clothing. Permethrin should not be applied directly to the skin, but it can also be applied to your clothes, such as boots, pants, socks and even tents.

Parents, do not let your kids apply that stuff. Do it for them and follow the instructions.

Ticks are most active in hot, humid weather. But it must be very cold before not meeting them much in the woods.

Deer hunters must also pay special attention if they take one. Obviously, deer are an important carrier of ticks.

Before going back in the vehicle, I check myself. Once home, I take off my outerwear, and then place it with the rest of my clothes in a hot dryer for at least 30 minutes. If there are ticks on the clothes, it will kill them.

It is best to shower after arriving home, but if it is not the case, do it as soon as possible.

It's good to take with you or at least remove the ticks at home.

There are different types of solvents, but by far, Pro-Tick Remedy Remover is the best. They only cost $ 5- $ 7 and the kit includes a small brochure on tick information.

For dog owners, I recommend using the K-9 Advantix II. It does not only repel ticks, it also kills those who attack an animal.

Anaplasmosis is the last disease transmitted by ticks. Many dog ​​owners meet him and the same problem arises for dogs, including fatigue and body aches.

Fortunately, it can be treated with antibiotics.

The Centers for Disease Control website at cdc.gov contains an excellent section on tick treatment. It is definitely worth checking out.

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