Tick ​​season starts earlier in 2019, says Virginia Tech professor


RICHMOND, Virginia – The tick population arrives earlier in the Commonwealth than in the past, according to Virginia Tech professor and entomologist Eric Day.

Day attributed the first sightings of ticks, especially the deer tick, to a combination of factors.

He added that more and more houses and neighborhoods are being built in rural areas close to wildlife. According to Day's research, the general decline of hunters in Virginia has resulted in an increase in the population of tick-carrying white-tailed deer.

The day also added that we come from the heels of a mild winter.

Twenty-five years ago, deer tick populations were restricted to northern Virginia and the east coast, but are now being observed throughout the state.

The deer tick can transmit and transmit Lyme disease to humans.

According to the CDC, Lyme disease ranks among the top ten communicable diseases in the Commonwealth.

Efforts such as Lyme Awareness Month, which began May 1st, were hoping to prevent the spread of this dangerous disease.

Jory Brinkerhoff, Professor of Biology at the University of Richmond, who is currently studying another bacterial species causing illness in Japan thanks to a Fulbright award, said the Virginia tick season had resumed in April, with the summer months being the worst.

Brinkerhoff also emphasized that anyone on the outside should pay attention to other insects and parasites.

"Mosquitoes are obnoxious and can also transmit a number of diseases, Zika viruses, dengue and chikungunya virus.These are not common in Virginia, but they could be excused because we have the type of mosquito "appropriate," said Brinkerhoff.

Jeff Mashore, owner of Fatboy Lawncare, said that one of his biggest battles at work was the insect that attached to his clothes and his skin.

"I see ticks crawling on me all the time," Mashore said. "When you mow a very tall grass, they climb to the top and when you pass near you, they attach you a little bit."

Virginia Tech alum said that he took every precaution to avoid bringing ticks home.

"Normally, if I'm in a very wooded area or if I think I'm going to encounter ticks, you want to tidy up your shirt," said Mashore. "Also, get your pants in your socks."

As ticks can transmit Lyme disease and other diseases, doctors say that prevention, like early detection, is key in children, adults and pets.

The Virginia Department of Health recommended the following tips:

  • Avoid tall grass and dense vegetation.
  • Walk in the middle of the mowed paths to avoid grazing.
  • Cut your grass and lighten your brush.
  • Get rid of places where small rodents live.
  • Wear light clothing so that ticks are easier to see.
  • Tuck your pant legs into socks and boots.
  • Wear long-sleeved button-down shirts at the wrists.
  • Check yourself, your kids and pets for ticks every 4 to 6 hours.
  • Use an insect repellent containing 30% DEET or 0.5% permethrin.

Ask your veterinarian to recommend tick control methods for your pets.

The CDC said that it was the main symptoms of Lyme disease:

  • Eye rash, or other rashes in other parts of the body
  • Headache and stiffness of the neck due to meningitis (inflammation of the spinal cord)
  • Pain and swelling in large joints (such as knees)
  • Heart palpitations and vertigo due to changes in heart rate
  • Shooting pain that can interfere with sleep
  • Facial or Bell Paralysis (loss of muscle tone from one or both sides of the face)
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Cognitive defects
  • Chronic fatigue

There is also a Lyme disease test for animals, just ask your local veterinarian.



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