‘Tina’ Doc Reveals Top Capitol Records Executor Called Tina Turner ‘An Old N– Douchebag’


HBO’s new documentary Max “Tina” offers a candid and often shocking look at Tina Turner’s life and the struggles, triumphs and traumas she endured in her decades-long career. But the most shocking moment comes about an hour after the start of the two-hour film when it is revealed that a top Capitol Records executive hostile to her signing on the label once called her “an old n-douchebag.”

This nauseating story comes from a 2009 interview with John Carter, the producer, songwriter and A&R representative of Capitol, credited with reviving Turner’s career in the early 1980s. In audio, Included as part of “Tina,” Carter details the conversation that allegedly took place sometime in 1982-83, shortly after Carter signed Turner to Capitol Hill over objections from label executives.

Carter told the interviewer, “The new regime is coming in and like any new regime, they have their own idea of ​​what they want to do. So I turn around, go downstairs and say, hey, that’s my number. And the classic quote is, “Carter, did you sign that old n – douchebag?” “

According to Carter, his reaction to it was, “Yeah, I did and I’m really happy about it. Now pick up the phone and call Roger Davies. (Davies is Turner’s longtime manager.)

Carter then said the answer he got was “no way,” so he went further. “I got down on my knees and said, ‘Now I’m going to beg you and I’m not going to get up until you pick up the phone,’ he said in the interview. The push worked, as Carter goes on to explain that after a long downcast look, they made the call.

“You’re back on the list,” the executive told Carter. “You finish your record. But you understand we’re not gonna do anything, that’s all there is.

A spokesperson for the Capitol Music Group said in a statement provided exclusively to TheWrap that the label condemns the comments and that it “is proud of our association with Tina Turner and the role we play in ensuring that her music continues to perform. inspire new generations for decades to come. . »Find out more here.

Carter is widely credited with relaunching Turner’s career in the 1980s despite this setback, supporting and defending her as she composed the album “Private Dancer” – her first with Capitol Records. Carter helped produce the title song, which has sold over 20 million copies and launched Turner into global stardom.


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