Tiny points zoom into beautiful galaxies in an incredible Hubble image


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A resplendent new composite image shows 265,000 galaxies – which were captured slowly but surely over 16 years of observations by the Hubble Space Telescope.

The image, called Hubble Legacy Field, is composed of 7,500 distinct images of distant galaxies. Some are so far apart that our images illustrate them up to 500 million years after the Big Bang, according to a press release.

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If you do not want to download a large image file, Internal business community & # 39;Dave Mosher has uploaded a version that people can scroll and explore.

You can zoom in and watch tiny bright spots turn out to be whole galaxies, some of which, according to Hubble scientists, are 10 billion times too small to be seen at the naked eye.

"Now that we are wider than in previous surveys, we are exploiting far more distant galaxies in the largest dataset ever produced," said Garth Illingworth, a scientist at the University of California at Santa Cruz, who directed the project of assembly of the image. "No image will surpass this one before launching future space telescopes like James Webb."

READ MORE: "No picture will surpass that": Hubble telescope astronomers have created a stunning picture of the deep universe with 16 years of photos[[[[Internal business]

More on space telescopes: Hubble data: the universe is growing faster and faster


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