To keep his child away from obesity, a mother turns her life upside down


Irie Mazas's hands hovered over the boxes of bright red strawberries. Adams & Vermont Farmers Market in Los Angeles.

"Mami!", He called to Miriam Bautista, who was several steps away.

"How many?" Bautista asked the booth salesman in Spanish. Before the strawberries found themselves in a shopping bag, Irie was nibbling at one, the juice running down her shirt.

His mother frowned at the stain. Then she smiles.

A few months ago, Bautista feared never to force his daughter to eat healthy food. Apparently overweight since she was about 4, she would eat salty snacks, fast foods and sweets, but would cry if her mother put a carrot on her plate.

Bautista shrugged. His Mexican parents proclaimed that the bath made his daughter even more cute. Then Bautista was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes during the pregnancy of his second child. She realized that the family's food choices were damaging not only her own health, but also Irie's.

"That's when I started reading the labels, to be more aware of what I was buying," she said. "I realized that everything I ate was harmful. I said, "My daughter must also learn that."

Bautista's struggles with the weight of his daughter are not unique. Obesity in young children is one of the most difficult health problems for Los Angeles County, where about 20% of children ages 3 and 4 are obese. Among school-age children, 45% are overweight or obese before reaching grade five, which is higher than the percentage of all Californians.

Miriam Bautista is shopping for fruits and vegetables in Los Angeles. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)
Gestational diabetes was posed to Miriam Bautista while she was pregnant with her son, Carlos, which led her to seek healthy solutions for her entire family. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

Miriam Bautista is shopping for fruits and vegetables in Los Angeles. Gestational diabetes was posed in Bautista while she was pregnant with her son, Carlos, which led her to seek healthy solutions for her entire family. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

Obesity is particularly serious among young Latin Americans, which worries health officials because more than half of babies born in Los Angeles County are Latino. Nearly a quarter of Latino children aged 4 years in the county are obese, compared to 17% of whites, 15% of blacks and 11% of Asians, according to federal data.

The health consequences grow with age. Dr. Juan Espinoza, a pediatrician at Los Angeles Children's Hospital, said he routinely treated obese children in primary and secondary school with "50-year-old man" problems, such as hepatic steatosis. , hypertension, type 2 diabetes and joint pain.

"Most of these children have been overweight for a long time," Espinoza said. Obese children are likely to remain obese in adulthood, increasing their risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer and premature death.

Studies show that their offspring are also more likely to be obese. One of the major risk factors for childhood obesity is a mother's body mass index prior to pregnancy.

"Larger adults will have bigger kids," said Michael Goran, director of the program for Diabetes and Obesity at CHLA. "It's becoming a generation problem."

Seeking help

Bautista knew that she would fight to improve Irie. Excess books are the norm in her husband's family, and Irie's grandparents loved to spoil her daughter with pastries and other treats.

After several attempts to get Irie to eat vegetables, Bautista asked for help from the girl's pediatrician. She referred them to a seven-week obesity prevention program called BodyWorks. Organized by CHLA and AltaMed, an outpatient provider, BodyWorks uses games, exercises, videos and healthy snacks to guide children to a better path.

Irie started coming. She tried vegetables for the first time: lettuce, then broccoli, then carrots. She learned that her plate must look like a rainbow, as well as the vitamins and minerals she needed to grow.

Bautista learned how to set limits: no snack before meals, no fast food several times a week. She now offers Irie a healthy snack before leaving the house. She brings water and nuts so that her daughter does not beg for junk food. She asks the children to stay home with her husband when she goes to the supermarket so she does not have to deal with requests for french fries, cookies and sweets. And they go to the farmer's market every week instead of taking the car.

With the support of her husband, Bautista stood up to her in-laws, urging them not to give Irie unhealthy treats. Irie's grandmother initially rebuffed, said Bautista, but she complied with the request.

At a recent review conducted six weeks after the start of the BodyWorks program, Irie was no longer overweight, said Bautista.

"It makes me feel good to see these changes," she said.

Irie is happy too. She proudly recounted that she eats a serving of fruits and vegetables each meal. Broccoli, which she initially thought "had a weird taste," is now her favorite vegetable, she said.

Irie leads the BodyWorks exercise participants, a family-centered intervention program set up by the Los Angeles Children's Hospital and AltaMed. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)
Licetz Montoya, Program Coordinator at BodyWorks, discusses with children the advantages and disadvantages of time spent on screen. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)
Fruits and vegetables are served during the BodyWorks program. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

At the top, Irie leads the BodyWorks exercise participants, a family-based intervention program founded by Children's Hospital Los Angeles and AltaMed. On the left, Licetz Montoya, coordinator of the program, discusses with the children the advantages and disadvantages of the time spent on the screen. Fruits and vegetables, right, make up the snacks served at BodyWorks. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

Prevention efforts

BodyWorks is one of many initiatives aimed at breaking the cycle of obesity in young children in Los Angeles. Other efforts included free family nutrition classes in community health clinics; an anti-obesity campaign led by the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, which offered workshops and grocery shopping tours; a national law that defines milk and water as default options for children's meals in restaurants; and the ban on selling soda in public schools.

Yet experts are frustrated that childhood obesity rates remain so unacceptably high.

"Unfortunately, we are still at levels of obesity comparable to peak rates in 2009," said Shannon Whaley, director of research and evaluation for the largest of seven county agencies that administer the federal nutrition program. . Women, infants and children.

And things could get worse soon, say the experts. Families are abandoning programs such as WIC, lest their information be shared with immigration officials or undermine their efforts to obtain legal resident status. Last fall, the Department of Homeland Security said it was considering changing its policy by denying permanent resident status to immigrants with government benefits, such as WIC or Medi-Cal.

Joy Ahrens, WIC Director for Northeast Valley Health Corp. in San Fernando, said that patients had asked to be removed from the program or did not show up for their appointments.

"We try to tell them that it is in the best interest of your child and your pregnancy," she said. "But there is really a lot of fear."

Irie walks with her father, Miguel Mazas, her mother, Miriam Bautista, and her brother, Carlos, near their home. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

A disease of poverty

Poverty also contributes to obesity by hitting families from different angles.

Single mothers in multiple jobs have little time to breastfeed, breast milk, cook healthy meals, or ensure that their children are exercising enough. Low-income parents are less likely to live near supermarkets, pushing them to shop in markets and liquor stores full of processed, high-calorie foods. Even when fresh produce is available, there may be no way for parents to prepare it.

"I have patients who live in garages or in places where they do not have access to a kitchen. Sometimes they do not have access to refrigeration, "said Dr. Gina Johnson, Pediatric Medical Director of Northeast Valley Health Corp., which operates 14 clinics that primarily serve low-income Latin American families.

The questions asked by the parents are revealing: is it acceptable to sweeten milk with chocolate powder? Can I really give my child a cup of cereal for breakfast?

"For this population, what worries them the most is what worries them the most," said Victor Solano, health educator at a clinic in San Fernando. "So, they focus on the amount of food, not so much quality."

Not surprisingly, children in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods in Los Angeles County are much more likely to be obese than those in wealthier communities.

"If you look at Malibu or Beverly Hills, the prevalence of childhood obesity is 5% or less," Goran said. "But if you look at East L.A. or South L.A., it can be 30% or 35%."

Estelita Sebastian, a single mother at MacArthur Park who works part time as a housekeeper, began buying fast food for her 11 and 5 year old sons after they became too old to qualify for WIC . She does not own a car, so stopping for food on the way to school seemed more practical than walking 15 minutes to get to her local Smart & Final and bring her shopping home, a- she declared.

Last summer, a doctor told Sebastian that his children were overweight and that his eldest, Gustavo, was suffering from high blood sugar and high cholesterol. She and her sons enrolled in BodyWorks have collectively lost several pounds and are no longer overweight. Through trial and error, she realized that she could save money by eliminating junk food and cooking at home. But she had to condense her work schedule and stay awake an hour later every night to do everything.

"It was difficult," said Sebastian. But Gustavo's diagnosis gave him the strength to persevere. "I felt guilty and said to myself:" No, it must change. "

With the help of a board she learned the day before at the BodyWorks program, Irie adds strawberries to a salad. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)
Before starting the BodyWorks program, Irie was barely eating vegetables. Now she eats fruits and vegetables at every meal. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)
Irie Mazas jumps rope after dinner. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)
After dinner, Irie Mazas does her homework with the help of her father, Miguel Mazas. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

Clockwise from the top left Using a board that she learned the day before at the BodyWorks program, Irie cuts and adds strawberries to a salad; Irie and her father work on homework; 7 year old boy jumps rope after dinner. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

Some progress

At Bautista, the meals are very different from those of 6 months ago. The family eats fewer tortillas, chips and pastries and more fruits, vegetables and sugar-free foods. Chocolate milk has been replaced by low-fat plain milk. The portions are carefully measured, filling only the center of each plate rather than the whole dish.

Instead of doing all that is forbidden, Bautista makes deals. Irie can eat pizza, but only one slice should be accompanied by fruit. She may have an ice cream, but only if she goes to the store with her mother.

The CHLA is still evaluating the long-term impact of the BodyWorks program, but experts believe that educational initiatives such as these will help to make progress on childhood obesity.

They have limited evidence to back them up. Between 2013 and 2016, the County Public Health Department and its non-profit partners trained 6,000 preschool and child care providers in obesity prevention and collaborated with community agencies to deliver educational workshops. for parents of children aged 2 to 5 years old. % to 37% more parental understanding of nutrition and tactics to encourage children to eat better. (The county continued to support some of these efforts as part of a $ 15 million annual program called Champions for Change.)

Jaimie Davis, obesity researcher at the University of Texas at Austin who have been working in Los Angeles for many years, said that many strategies for preventing obesity are promising, but that they need to be coordinated and funded on a larger scale.

"It's not a systematic approach," she said.

Espinoza, CHLA, said there is a particular need for initiatives aimed at the youngest children. "It's a disease that, if treated properly and from the beginning, can prevent people's lives from suffering," he said.

After an examination six weeks after the start of the BodyWorks program, Irie was determined to no longer be overweight. "It makes me feel good to see these changes," said Miriam Bautista. (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

According to Bautista, the change must begin with the parents taking seriously the obesity in children, educating them to nutrition and mastering what their kids are eating.

"It's not so that children can be lean, but to be healthy," she said. "We are going to do that, even if the kids do not want it because they are not in charge. We are in charge. "

Claudia Boyd-Barrett writes for the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Reporting Center for Health Policy and Economics at the USC. The reports were supported by a First 5 LA grant.


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