To those who refuse to be vaccinated against COVID-19


Anonymous writes: When your human rights violate mine, your argument is no longer valid. When did we become such an individualistic and selfish society? Cayman, the Caribbean region and the world as a whole? We no longer think of the collective, everything is up to the individual. The level of narcissism that has permeated throughout our daily lives is astounding. NO vaccine is 100% reliable in preventing a virus. Think about all of our childhood vaccines; there’s a reason you need to keep doing boosters over the years. Please read here for general vaccine information.

Vaccines give the individual and the community a chance to fight the virus, stop mutations, and minimize its symptoms if infected. The same goes for the COVID-19 vaccine.

COVID-19 is not the common flu. The “flu” comes from the influenza virus (which, by the way, also has an updated vaccine each year that minimizes symptoms and helps prevent death). COVID-19 is a strain of coronavirus that causes disease in mammals and birds. They can range from mild to severe, which we have seen with SARS, MERS and now COVID-19.

The current COVID-19 vaccine is based on the one developed for SARS in the early 2000s. It is not a “new and rushed” vaccine – it has been around for 20 years and has been modified to combat this strain of coronavirus from SARS.

It baffles me how anti-vaccines twist the facts to fit their selfish, narcissistic, and individualistic beliefs. Using discrimination as a bullying tactic is a real joke. Because of your selfishness in getting vaccinated, you keep giving the virus a host (your body) to thrive and mutate, and affect us all. The virus and related vaccines are not a race, religion or sexual orientation. It’s a CHOICE you make based on your individualistic personality. As such, an employer has the right to make certain requests based on your CHOICE not to get vaccinated and the harm you cause to the community as a result. It is for this very reason that the education system requires that certain vaccines be given to your child before they are accepted into the system.

We are in the early stages of a declining economy and serious crime (including gang related crime) is on the rise – anyone who doesn’t realize how inextricably linked the two are is again an ostrich with his head in the sand which has not yet been fully impacted. We are back to post-2008 recession levels with one in 10 Caymanians unemployed. We must open our borders and the wish expressed is that we do so in safety. The best way to do this is to grab one for the team, right in the arm.

For my part, I’m sick of all the misinformation and conspiracy theories going around. Stop trying to find stories on the ‘interweb’ to support your selfishness and start listening to the countless experts telling you that the vaccine is our best chance to beat this virus. For what it’s worth, you’re already tracked and controlled by the little device you take with you to communicate.

I thank the generations before us who selflessly rolled up their sleeves and took the vaccine against diseases like polio (which is still not completely eradicated in the world, this fight is still ongoing). If only we could follow the example of our ancestors and put community first, instead of just thinking about ourselves.

This comment was in response to: Store boss demands staff reveal immunization status


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