Today’s Headlines: Child Care Burden To Be Lightened By Budget; And Ex-garda In Hutch Link Probe


Child care burden will be lightened in the budget

Increases in childcare allowances, state pensions and other social benefits, including fuel allowance, are all on the table before the budget is announced Tuesday week.

Former guard detained for suspected Mafia links

A Jackpot of drugs and money discovered at property linked to elderly retired garda, who remains in custody this weekend on suspicion of working for the organized crime gang Hutch.

Donohoe torpedo O’Brien’s tax break for downsizing plan

Minister of Finance Paschal Donohoe shot down an attempt by Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien to introduce tax breaks intended to free up the housing supply, the Independent Sunday can reveal.

Taoiseach faces grilling on AG’s controversial work schedule

Taoiseach Micheál Martin will be interviewed at Dáil this week on revelations that the Attorney General continued his private professional work in addition to his role as the state’s chief legal adviser.

Winter of discontent will continue through 2022 and beyond

Experts advise shop early for Christmas and don’t delay ordering your heating oil

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The Flynn family “support their successor on Dublin City Council”

An independent counselor who advocates for victims of sexual abuse is backing nominee to replace late homeless activist Anthony Flynn, to Dublin City Council.

PTSB will create 300 new jobs this year

Irish bank Permanent TSB is on track to create up to 300 new jobs before the end of the year, because it aims to enable growth in areas such as digital.

Ireland’s largest drone wall mural dominates the Dundalk skyline


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