Too many people went to jail for Thanksgiving in Oregon


Some lawmakers criticize Oregon’s limits on group activities so close to the Thanksgiving holiday while supporters of the measures remain calm during nighttime riots in Portland involving hundreds of people.

Governor Kate Brown, a Democrat, has ordered a two-week freeze that includes limiting indoor and outdoor gatherings to up to six people from no more than two households in an attempt to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

“For the past eight months, I have asked Oregonians to follow the letter and the spirit of the law and we have not chosen to engage law enforcement,” Brown said Friday. “At the moment, unfortunately, we have no other option.”

Violators could face up to 30 days in prison, up to $ 1,250 in fines, or both, the Oregonian reported. Brown said she would work with state police and local law enforcement to encourage Oregon residents to comply with her mandate.

The order does not specifically invoke protests, but also allows faith-based gatherings that can accommodate up to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors.

Representative Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a frequent critic of government mandates related to COVID-19, weighed in on Brown’s directive.

“In Oregon, you can be jailed for hosting too many people for Thanksgiving,” he tweeted Monday. “But if you want to riot and loot in Portland, no sweat!”

Tootie Smith, the newly elected chairperson of the Clackamas County Commissioners Council, posted on social media that she plans to invite “as many friends and family as I can find” for the holidays.

“She [Gov. Brown] wants to arrest law-abiding citizens in their homes for having dinner, which is the most ridiculous public policy I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been in politics since 1988, ”Smith said in an online interview, according to KATU- TV.


Stan Pulliam, mayor of Sandy, Oregon, told the news channel his town shouldn’t be treated like Portland.

“For the most vulnerable, they should stay at home and take precautions. They should order their groceries from home,” he said. “But for those of us who aren’t in that vulnerable category, who aren’t so nervous and scared to get out there and take precautions: social distancing, masks. Let’s all do our part to kickstart this economy. “


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