Too much coffee can shrink your brain and increase your risk of dementia by 53%


ADÉLAIDEDE, Australia – This morning cup of coffee may be just what you need to help start your work day and sharpen your mind. But if you repeatedly find yourself going to the coffee maker for refills, you could actually put your brain health at risk. Too much coffee can increase the risk of dementia, a new study warns.

While drinking six or more cups per day was linked to a 53% increased risk of dementia and also made a stroke more likely. Brain imaging reveals that drinking lots of coffee was also associated with brain shrinkage, scientists said.

The study, conducted at the Australian Center for Precision Health at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, is the largest of its kind based on 17,702 participants aged 30 to 37. Kitty Pham, a doctoral student at the University of South Australia, who led the team of international researchers, says the findings draw attention to the risk of overconsumption.

“Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Yet, with global consumption exceeding nine billion kilograms per year, it is essential that we understand all the potential health implications, ”she said in a statement. “This is the most in-depth investigation into the links between coffee, brain volume measurements, dementia risk and stroke risk.

“Taking all possible permutations into account, we have consistently found that higher coffee consumption was significantly associated with reduced brain volume,” she continues. “Essentially, drinking more than six cups of coffee a day can put you at risk for brain diseases such as dementia and stroke.”

“Drink water with that cup of coffee,” suggest researchers

Dementia is a degenerative brain disease that affects memory, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform daily tasks. Around 50 million people are diagnosed with the disease worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 5 million older Americans have dementia. This figure is expected to reach 14 million by 2060, the agency predicts.

“This research provides vital information on excessive coffee consumption and brain health, but like so much in life, moderation is key,” says lead researcher Elina Hyppönen, director of the Australian Center for Health precision. “Along with other genetic evidence and a randomized controlled trial, this data strongly suggests that high coffee consumption can be harmful to brain health. While the exact mechanisms aren’t known, one simple thing we can do is stay hydrated and remember to drink some water alongside that cup of coffee.

“The typical daily coffee consumption is between one and two standard cups of coffee. Of course, although unit measurements may vary, a few cups of coffee per day is usually sufficient, ”she adds. “However, if you find that your coffee intake reaches more than six cups a day, it is time for you to review your next drink.”

The results are published in the journal Nutritional neuroscience.

SWNS writer William Janes contributed to this report.


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