Top 5 Sonoma County News You Can’t Miss This Weekend


Happy Sunday, Democratic readers of the press! I’m Marie McCain, one of the local news editors here at Press Democrat, and we would like to thank you for your continued readership and support for local journalism here in North Bay. In case you’ve been on the go and haven’t had a chance to check out the news, we’ve compiled a few stories you shouldn’t miss this weekend.

How September 11 impacted the lives of a Santa Rosa mother, lawmaker, and two Iraq war veterans: Matthew Jensen, a 37-year-old Iraq war veteran, calls September 11 the “Pearl Harbor of my generation.” In fact, it was a terrible new benchmark for every generation of Americans: the worst terrorist attack in the country’s history.

Jensen and three other Santa Rosans – his veteran colleague Evan Kubota, Coven Jim Wood, and Stephanie Okrepkie, whose father died in the Iraq War – each saw their lives unfathomably turned upside down by the attacks.

Their stories of service and sacrifice reflect the profound impact that the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath continue to have on our world 20 years later.

Why developer Bill Gallaher and his family invested a lot of money behind a long-running Newsom recall candidate: His candidacy for governor is “one of the greatest mysteries of the recall,” according to a political scientist.

He has made a few electoral appearances, has not participated in any major debate and only does 1% of the polls.

Yet Ted Gaines raked in over $ 250,000 in campaign money – nearly 90% of his total war chest – from one of Sonoma County’s best-known and wealthiest developers and members of his family. , as well as one of its employees and a business associate.

New pro-recall ads distinguish Sonoma County lawmakers allied with DA Jill Ravitch: Recall campaign to oust Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch reshuffles allegations against her in flurry of new airing days before the September 14 elections which criticize the three-term prosecutor and distinguish elected officials who support her.

The new leaflets, which reached voters’ mailboxes on Friday, accuse some of Ravitch’s most prominent supporters of “following her blindly.”

Pastor beats COVID, returns to pulpit, but his Santa Rosa church remains unmasked: Ross Reinman, pastor of Calvary Chapel The Rock in Santa Rosa, said he lost 26 pounds fighting COVID-19. He is clearly on the mend. But he hasn’t developed an appetite for the county’s public health restrictions.

“A lot of people have asked, well, now have you changed your mind?” he said. “What have I changed my mind about?” We were always listening to the Lord, following his decrees and creating an environment here where his gospel and ministry can spread. And that can’t happen where the faces are all covered, and we’re six feet apart and not allowed to sing.

Cannabis growers and workers protest outside Sonoma County supervisory offices: Sonoma County cannabis growers and their allies gathered in dozens on Friday outside the Santa Rosa Supervisory Board office to denounce the county’s handling of the regulation and taxation of commercial cannabis, calling it too much heavy and expensive.

The taxes collected by the county are excessive, growers say, and a slow and complicated local licensing process has hampered the expansion of their industry since California voters legalized recreational marijuana for adult use in 2016.


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