Tourists unduly quarantined in Mongolia following fears of bubonic plague


bubonic plague

(Photo by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / Getty Images)

A bubonic plague smear, prepared from a lymph taken from an adenopathic ganglion, or bubo, from a patient with plague, demonstrates the presence of the bacterium Yersinia pestis that causes the plague. The disease can be treated with antibiotics if it is detected in its early stages.

A group of tourists are stuck indefinitely in Mongolia after the death of two Russians on bubonic plague in April. Citizens from the United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, South Korea, Germany and Russia are kept in quarantine to prevent the spread of the disease. highly infectious disease. The authorities have not communicated the number of US citizens currently detained. Most tourists are locked out in the city of Uglii.

Mongolia is an Asian country renowned for its extensive landscapes and nomadic culture, bordered by China and Russia, and is a popular destination for adventure seekers. Although the country is about the same size as Western and Central Europe, it has only about three million people. Uglii is an isolated town in western Mongolia, famous for its ancient tradition of eagle hunting.

The husband and wife ate contaminated meat that they had illegally hunted

Mongolian Ministry of Health confirms that two unnamed Russian tourists, a 38-year-old health official, call "Citizen T" and his pregnant wife, 37, contracted bubonic plague after illegally hunted and eaten meat raw and internal organs of a groundhog. The husband died on April 27 and his wife three days later. Bubonic plague can be successfully treated with antibiotics if it is immediately diagnosed.

The couple was part of an ancient Mongolian tradition of eating groundhogs, which is supposed to improve health and stamina. "Although the ban on eating groundhogs is banned, Citizen T. has been chasing the groundhog," said Dr. N. Tsogbadrakh, director of the National Center for Dermatology and Zoonotic Medicine. Siberian weather"He ate the meat and gave it to his wife, and they died because the plague affected her belly. Four children are orphans, "he added, referring to couples of children aged two to thirteen.

Marmots are species of large squirrels that live in the mountainous regions of Europe, North-West Asia, Pakistan and India and throughout the western United States. United. Mongolia prohibits the hunting and consumption of marmots as a health precaution.

Bubonic plague can kill in less than 24 hours

Bubonic plague is a highly contagious disease caused by bacteria Yersinia pestis which is usually spread by fleas living on wild rodents. Also known as the "Black Death", it is thought that bubonic plague caused the death of 75 to 200 million people, or 30% to 60% of the European population, between 1347-1351. The disease can kill a human being in less than 24 hours.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the symptoms of bubonic plague include sudden fever, headache, chills and weakness. Lymph nodes also become tender and swollen. There may also be blackening of the hands, feet and nose as the body tissues begin to die.

Bubonic plague is most prevalent in Central Asia and Madagascar. About 1 to 17 cases are reported each year in the United States and are generally confined to the southwest, where people are most likely to come into contact with prairie dogs and infected marmots.

Passengers from a flight from Uglii are also quarantined

The photos are now taking passengers out of Hunnu Air, a commercial flight from Uglii that travels to the capital, Ulaanbaatar, under the scrutiny of health officials.

Eleven of the 158 passengers on the plane who were staying in Uglii were taken to a nearby hospital, while other passengers were examined near the airport. Forbes reports that the Mongolian National Center for Communicable Diseases and Border Inspection carried out the physical examinations.

The border between Russia and Mongolia is currently closed to prevent the spread of plague

Moscow Times reports that the Mongolian authorities have closed the main border crossing between Russia and Mongolia, blocking Russian citizens visiting the neighboring country. Several news agencies report that some tourists, worried about an indefinite stay in Mongolia, were planning an escape.


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