Township of Exeter projects deficit in 2022 | Regional News from Berks


EXETER TOWNSHIP, Pa .– The first attempt to budget 2022 for the Township of Exeter has been a little short of revenue, township supervisors were told Monday evening.

Chief Financial Officer Jennifer Savage told supervisors the first draft of the budget projected a deficit of $ 900,000. However, Savage warned, she had yet to receive numbers from all departments and she is “very cautious in revenue projections but generally pretty good.”

She also said the budget would be updated at least two more times before the final vote in December.

Savage used the 2021 mileage rate of 2.145 mils, with an exemption of $ 50,000 for family properties, to help estimate revenue at $ 11.5 million in 2022. The first expense reduction was 12. $ 4 million, a decrease of 1.7% from 2021. Three new employees, two police officers and one other position are expected to be added at an average cost of $ 100,000, including salary and benefits.

The new equipment expected to be added includes two police SUVs, a dump truck, a Chevrolet truck and a groomer, a spreader and a seeder. The replacement of the computer equipment is expected to cost $ 15,000.

Health insurance premiums are expected to increase by 2%, Savage said, while Workers Comp premiums will decrease by 12%. Total police service spending is expected to remain stable.

To fill the gap, Savage came up with three options that could be used in full or piecemeal. The first is to transfer $ 220,000 from the Birdsboro power easement project held in the Parks and Recreation Fund to the General Fund. The second option, she said, would be to delay or not hire new staff, which would earn up to $ 300,000. The third option would be to eliminate or reduce the homestead exemption, which could earn up to $ 650,000.

Supervisors will hold the next budget meeting on November 1. The budget will be on the public debate agenda at the two voting meetings in October.


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