TRASH CITY: Garbage piles found in Los Angeles raise concerns about typhus


Apparently, waste problems are not limited to San Francisco.

NBC4 reported Monday that "staggering" stacks of rotting garbage had been found around Los Angeles, which caused some to worry about a new typhus outbreak.

"Even the city's most notorious garbage pile, located between fashionable neighborhoods and Produce's downtown Los Angeles, continues to attract rats after it's been cleaned up there." many months ago. Rodents can carry typhoid-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria in the eyes, or cuts and scrapes on the skin, leading to severe pseudo- symptoms. flu, "reported the manager.

NBC4's investigative team said it had already informed Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's office about some of the garbage piles in October. The batteries they talked about were cleaned up, "but the conditions have deteriorated over the next seven months," the outlet said. When NBC investigators reported another pile of garbage, they were told that it could run out three months before the garbage was removed.

Stacks of waste – and rats that are attracted to it – can cause many health problems for the surrounding population. Dr. Jeffrey Klauser, a professor of medicine at the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of California at Los Angeles, told the media that a growing population of rats could spread diseases such as salmonella and even the bubonic plague.

"Waste and food waste attract rats," he said. "This poses a risk to public health."

NBC 4 reported that the cities of New York and Washington, DC are treating their rat problems. D.C. apparently experiments with baits for rats linked to contraceptives.

Last year, Los Angeles County reported a record number of cases of typhus: 124. Between 2013 and 2017, Los Angeles County reported an average of 60 cases per year, which, according to NBC4, was double that of the previous five years. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), typhus spreads through contact with infected flea droppings (we may not know they had such contact). The symptoms of typhus are: fever and chills, muscle aches, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, coughing and rash. Untreated severe cases can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and brain.

The NBC investigation team found typhus-infected fleas "on animals awaiting adoption at the North Central Animal Shelter. The outlet has also released drone images of "the most famous garbage pile," which extends almost one block between fashion districts and Los Angeles products.

Elsewhere in California, used needles and human excreta remain a public health problem. According to a report released earlier this month, San Francisco expects to spend more than $ 70 million to clean up feces and drug-related props – but this amount is not enough to really clean the city, has already announced Emily Zanotti of The Daily Wire.

"The city says the teams are constantly working to try to control the" poo problem "that plagues the streets of San Francisco, but even though the city is finding new and innovative ways to allow residents to report and avoid piles of dung on public sidewalks, poop The problem, it is said, continues to grow, "wrote Zanotti.


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