Trendy charcoal toothpastes that "damage" teeth


The toothpaste with charcoal could damage your teeth. [Photo: Getty]

Toothpaste is considered a natural tooth whitener in recent years.

Supported by celebrities such as Nicole Scherzinger, and sold at Holland & Barrett and Boots, her promoters suggest that dental treatment removes stains from teeth while providing a non-abrasive bleaching solution.

However, a new study suggests that toothpaste actively damages teeth.

Indeed, they do not contain fluoride, an essential component in the fight against tooth decay.

The journal, published in British Dental Journal, examined 50 different coal toothpastes – only eight of which contained fluoride.

In addition, even on these eight toothpastes containing fluoride, it could be ineffective because charcoal inactivates fluorine.

About 96% of these toothpastes also claimed to have whitening and stain-resistant properties, but none contained a sufficient amount of bleach for this to be the case, according to the report.

Several other claims were also refuted, including teeth strengthening (claimed by 30% of tasted toothpastes), antibacterial or antiseptic properties (44%) and detoxification (46%). None of these claims has been proven, according to the report.

"All charcoal toothpastes are not identical and some could potentially cause lasting damage to a person's teeth," said Dr. Linda Greenwall, lead author of the study and a member of the British Dental Bleaching Society, who conducted the research.

"Toothpastes should contain fluoride to improve the health of their teeth," she added.

"The most worrisome aspect of the marketing of charcoal pulp and powder seems to be a strong emphasis on the benefits that attract consumers, which still need to be refuted.

"This" scientifically claimed to the contrary "approach is favored over evidence-based promotion."

Dr. Lisa and Dr. Vanessa Creaven, certified dentists and founders of Spotlight Whitening, tell Yahoo UK they agree with the findings of the review.

"The charcoal toothpaste is absolutely damaging to the teeth, charcoal is an extremely abrasive ingredient that permanently damages the outer layer of the enamel surface," they said.

"If you examined the tooth under a microscope after using charcoal, you would notice a marbling or pitting of the outer layer of the enamel surface that, over time, results in increased discoloration of the surface of the tooth.

"In reality, using a toothpaste with carbon to whiten teeth is counterintuitive.The more you use a toothpaste similar to charcoal, the more the outer surface of the tooth is rough, which means that a tooth is less likely to shine. and to whiten.

"We recommend a peroxide containing product to chemically lighten teeth, this will not damage the outer layer of the tooth surface, but will remove extrinsic stains on the tooth surface."

Looking for a natural alternative to teeth whitening products containing bleach? Dr. Jerome Sebah, founder of The Dentist Gallery, suggests instead baking soda.

"If you used a single ingredient to remove stains on your teeth, baking soda would be much better for your oral health than charcoal because it is an abrasive ingredient," advises there.

To try it, combine a teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with the dough. You can do it several times a week.

– This article first appeared on Yahoo

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