Trials of Mana is the most action-oriented game of the series, fully voiced


Mana trials

More information on new advertised Mana trials, a remake of the game released in Japan in 1995 as Seiken Densetsu 3, came out of a developer interview with Famitsu at E3 2019.

Here are the little things that are remarkable:

  • The project started two years ago.
  • contrary to Secret of manaThe reason we are doing a much bolder remake with this game is because this title has never been released abroad, so we hope to present it as a brand new title.
  • Mana trials is one of the conclusions we have reached by trial and error by listening to feedback from [the remake of] Secret of mana. Early in the development, we created a prototype that was even closer to the original game, but as a remake after 25 years, we were not satisfied.
  • The original concept of mana series was something in the lines of, "play seamlessly the Final Fantasy ATB combat system of the series. We called what we ended up as "battle of movement," we did not say it was an action RPG at that time.
  • In Secret of manayou have been able to fight by changing weapons, but since your weapons were repaired Mana trialswe heard the users say that it was not good, so with the remake, we wanted to solve this problem.
  • Elements such as combos and jump attacks have been implemented in the remake. It's done so that you can really enjoy the action parts.
  • While this is probably the most action-oriented game in the series, it's an action RPG, so you'll enjoy the game even if you're not good at it. you are climbing level.
  • Since action performance differs from character to character, your gaming experience will change depending on who you play.
  • There is no multiplayer mode.
  • The event scenes are almost entirely expressed. More than 30 characters all have an appropriate voice.
  • The voice distribution will be announced later, but we can say with 100% certainty that the voice broadcast will not damage the images of the characters.
  • There are many things we still can not say, so fans and non-fans, please wait.

Mana trials should be released on PlayStation 4, Switch and PC in early 2020.

Thank you, Games Talk.

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