Trolls targets a scientist



Katie Boumann's rise to scientific stardom had one drawback: online trolls claiming that her work was really done by a man, reports CNN. A 29-year-old graduate of MIT helped shape the algorithms and imaging process that allowed scientists to produce the world's first ever image of a black hole Wednesday. Cue the users of Reddit, Twitter and YouTube who have dropped his job or said that Andrew Chael, a male Caucasian scientist of the project, was the real brain. A YouTube video titled "One Woman Performs 6% of the Work but gets 100% Credit: Black Hole Photo," NBC News reports, while Twitter and Reddit posts say Chael created "850,000 of the 900,000 lines of code that were written history algorithm black hole! "

Enter Chael, who tweets that there are not "850,000 lines of code" – about "68,000 lines in the current software, and just about any number of the ones I've personally created. " Chael adds that he is openly gay, another underrepresented demographic group in STEM. "Once I realized that many online commentators were using my name and image to advance a sexist agenda and pretend that Katie's leading role in our global team had been invented, I'd like to see it." I felt that I should say something to make it clear that I rejected that opinion, "he said. CNN. In truth, it took a "massive multidisciplinary group" to create the image of the black hole, notes the Washington Post– a view fully supported by Boumann herself. "No algorithm or person created this image, it required the incredible talent of a team of scientists from around the world," she wrote on Facebook. (Read more stories of black hole.)


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