Trump administration deserves credit for incredible success of Operation Warp Speed


Definitely true. I’ve said this was his greatest achievement as president before, but if you want to stand up for the Abrahamic Accords, I’ll listen to you. Either way, I don’t think Durbin is just a jerk in giving Team Trump some credit here. There is a strategy behind this, a strategy that we could see other Democrats duplicate in the weeks and months to come. Watch, then read on.

Biden has a problem. He wants to get as many people vaccinated as possible as quickly as possible. The success of Pfizer’s vaccine and the upbeat media coverage surrounding it made it easier for him if you believe the polls, but he and his advisers know convincing grassroots Republicans will be a heavyweight once Trump is ousted. of his duties and will no longer be able to do so. benefit politically from the adoption of the vaccine. Anti-vax messaging is already replacing “stop the theft” messaging in some populist media. It remains to be seen whether Congressional Republicans embrace a blind rejection of Biden, but there is no doubt that pieces of the GOP base will. How to convince these people to be vaccinated?

Ideally, you would enlist Trump himself as a salesperson.

The problem is, Trump is not going to lend a hand for the altruistic reasons of “being a good citizen.” No doubt he can’t wait to see Biden fail as president in everything he does, eager to highlight every hiccup in the post-Jan. 20 vaccine distribution on his social media feeds. I would say the odds are no worse than 50/50 that he will turn himself into an anti-vaxxer out of spite, eventually seizing on a yet-to-be-deployed conspiracy theory about how the vaccine was secretly ” changed ”after Biden took office the new version is dangerous. The fact that Republican voters want him to receive the proper credit for his success in getting the vaccine distributed so quickly isn’t a logical obstacle for many of them to end up – or already – opposing the vaccine.

If you want him to help you sell the vaccine, there has to be something for him. You must appeal to his vanity. Marc Thiessen includes:

Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of modern medicine. As my colleague from the American Enterprise Institute, former FDA chief Scott Gottlieb told me, “We never really had this level of development work undertaken in such a short period of time with so much success. It is a singular achievement. I can’t think of any historical proxy. “…

Biden has criticized the failures of Trump’s pandemic response, so why not give the president credit for this unwavering success? Because that would mean acknowledging that for all Trump’s flaws in handling the pandemic, he is also responsible for ending it. And Biden keeps that credit to himself.

Perhaps, given Trump’s terrible behavior, Biden is in no mood to congratulate the president. But it’s not about Trump; it’s about Biden keeping his promise to reach out to his opponent’s supporters and bring the Americans together. If he really wants to unite the country, he should give the credit where it’s due – and pledge to continue Operation Warp Speed.

Nothing is going to “bring the Americans together” but giving Trump a stake in public reputation in the vaccine’s continued uptake and success would be a shrewd way to blunt some political opposition, including Trump himself. “There is a whole section of the population that listens to the president very attentively, and therefore he has an important role,” the head of Operation Warp Speed, Moncef Slaoui, told CNN a few days ago. Biden’s team reportedly considered reaching out to Sean Hannity and Rand Paul to try to bring righties on the vaccine instead of asking Trump, but no contact has been made yet. Trump aides told Politico that Biden “the president-elect is intentionally ignoring Trump’s vaccine accomplishments and just playing partisan politics. Biden, they said, should vocally salute Trump for pushing for what they dubbed the ‘Trump vaccine’ in record time.

This is where Durbin comes in. Perhaps the task of congratulating the president on his work on vaccines was given by Biden to the Democrats in the Senate. Lefties won’t want to see the President-elect saluting Trump for anything COVID-related, especially with stuff like this that continues to trickle down in the media. But it’s so rare for a Congressional Democrat to celebrate a Trump achievement that Durbin and others officially discussing Operation Warp Speed’s incredible success could make an impression on him. With any other ex-president, including those who lost an election to their successor (e.g. Bush 41), it would be a simple matter of picking up the phone and politely asking for their help in an effort that will benefit Americans. . With Trump, there is more psychological work involved. How do you get him to participate in the vaccine promotion rally? Answer: You do as much as you can.

Speaking of hiccups in the distribution of vaccines, this “hiccup” is worth noting – but not (yet) panic:

The first worker, a middle-aged woman who had no history of allergies, had an anaphylactic reaction that began 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau on Tuesday, a hospital official said. She had a rash on her face and torso, shortness of breath, and a high heart rate.

Dr Lindy Jones, medical director of the hospital’s emergency department, said the worker first received an injection of epinephrine, a standard treatment for severe allergic reactions. Her symptoms improved but returned, and she was treated with steroids and a drop of epinephrine.

When the doctors tried to stop the drip, her symptoms returned, so the woman was transferred to the intensive care unit, observed all night and then weaned off the drip early Wednesday morning, Dr Jones said.

She ended up spending last night in the hospital also as a precaution. Another worker at the same hospital in Alaska also had a reaction which was treated with epinephrine, but recovered within an hour. These are the only cases I have heard of so far this week in which semi-severe reactions to the vaccine have developed. It could be a pure fluke, one in 100,000 events, or whatever, but the fact that two people in the same hospital had adverse reactions requiring medical treatment makes the “fluke” theory more difficult to tell. swallow. I wonder: could there be something environmental in or around the hospital, perhaps related to the specific work they were doing, that could have made them vulnerable to the side effects of the vaccine?

I’m guessing conspiracy theories are already circulating on Facebook claiming reactions like this are happening across the country and being covered up, but that doesn’t dovetail with the extensive testing Pfizer has done. “Historically, with a vaccine, the terrible (serious adverse events) that we always worry about really show up within a few weeks,” an emergency physician told USA Today. “We don’t see that kind of spike… in the weeks we see people taking the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.” Vaccinations in nursing homes have already started, by the way, with several thousand West Virginians having received the vaccine and more than 20,000 Floridians ready to receive it this week. No reports of serious adverse reactions in America’s most frail citizens to date.


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