Trump ally Jim Jordan among Republicans selected for January 6 select committee


Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a leading ally of former President Donald Trump, is among a handful of GOP lawmakers expected to be appointed to the select committee of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill.

Besides Jordan, parliamentary minority leader Kevin McCarthy called on representatives Jim Banks of Indiana, Rodney Davis of Illinois, Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota and Troy Nehls of Texas to sit on the select committee, confirmed Fox News. Banks will serve as a ranking member.

Banks, Nehls and Jordan were among lawmakers who opposed the Jan.6 election results, the day Trump supporters stormed the Capitol as lawmakers gathered to certify President Biden’s victory.

“Make no mistake, Nancy Pelosi created this committee only to slander the Conservatives and justify the authoritarian left agenda,” Banks said in a statement. “Even then, I will do my best to give the American people the facts about the preparations for January 6, the riot that day, and the responses from the Capitol leadership and the Biden administration.”

“I will not allow this committee to be turned into a forum to condemn millions of Americans for their political beliefs,” he added.

Republicans would join eight lawmakers nominated by Pelosi, who has the final say on who can sit on the committee. His selections included several leading critics of Trump, including Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., Rep. Jamie Rankin, D-Md., Who led impeachment proceedings against Trump for his role in the riot, and Rep. Liz Cheney, R- Wyo., who was among a small group of Republicans who voted to impeach Trump.

Banks is currently chairman of the Republican study committee. The GOP lawmaker was one of several House Republicans who recently visited the southern border with Trump amid an ongoing immigration crisis.

Jordan has earned a reputation as a fierce supporter of Trump’s policies, is known for its heated clashes with Democratic lawmakers during congressional hearings. He reacted to his nomination by sharing a montage of Democratic lawmakers who opposed the election results after Trump’s victory in the 2016 election or who accused him of colluding with Russia.


Pelosi formed a select committee after Republicans blocked a Democratic effort to create a 9/11-style commission to investigate the events of January 6. Republicans argued that the Democrats’ effort was politically motivated.

The select committee will convene its first hearing on July 27.


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