Trump asks a fan during a rally when he likes "country or Hispanics". more


  • US President Donald Trump attempted Monday night to seduce Hispanic voters at a rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico,
  • "They do not want criminals to cross the border, they do not want people to take their jobs, they want that security, and they want the wall, they want the wall," Trump told the Americans. Hispanic origin.
  • Addressing CNN commentator, Steve Cortes, in the crowd, Trump said, "It turns out that he's Hispanic, but I've never really understood him because he looks more like a WASP than me. "
  • Trump has already been the subject of smear criticism against Latin American migrants from the United States.

US President Donald Trump made an ambitious statement Monday night to Hispanic voters in the state of New Mexico, a state he lost by eight points to Democrats in the presidential election of 2016.

"We are here because we really think we are going to transform this state into a republican state," Trump told his supporters at the Rio Rancho rally.

He then extolled the low unemployment rate among Hispanics under his administration, praising Hispanic Heritage Month and claiming that Hispanic Americans backed his promise to build a wall on the Mexican border to prevent the entry of undocumented immigrants from Latin American countries.

"They do not want criminals to cross the border, they do not want people to take their jobs, they want that security, they want the wall, they want the wall."

Throughout his speech, Trump began an impromptu dialogue with Steve Cortes, a CNN commentator and long-time supporter of Trump's Hispanic Advisory Committee who was in the crowd.

"He happens to be Hispanic, but I never really understood him because he looks more like a WASP than me," Trump said.

Read more: Latinos in El Paso after the shooting no longer live in fear, but are outraged at Trump

Steve Cortes was in the crowd at the Trump rally in New Mexico on Monday.
Capture / Fox News

Shouting at Cortes across the arena, Trump said, "No one likes Hispanics any more.Who do you like most, country or Hispanics?"

Cortes' response being inaudible, Trump answered for him.

"He says the country," said Trump. "I do not know, maybe I should go to Hispanics, to be honest with you.We have a lot of Hispanics.We love our Hispanics.Go out and vote."

Trump then claimed that Hispanic Americans were supporting the wall of his border because they understood better than other Americans the "drug crisis" in the United States.

"At the center of the American drug crisis, Hispanics know it better than anyone, and people said," Oh, Hispanics will not like the walls. "I said," I think they'll like it, "Trump said.

"You know why, because you understand it better than others, but the heart of the crisis is the drugs that flow, and you understand that when others do not understand it."

Read more: Most Americans do not approve of Trump, but here are 3 countries where they like what he does

Trump launched his presidential campaign in 2015 with a notorious press conference during which he called the migrants from Mexico to try to enter the "criminals" and "rapists" Americans.

His support among Hispanic Americans has remained low, with a recent Pew poll showing that only about 20% of Hispanics approve of Trump's work.

He is campaigning in New Mexico as part of a plan to compensate for potential losses in swing states that narrowly entrusted him with victory in 2016 when they were expected to return to the Democratic Party in 2020.


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