Trump blasts judge who blocked part of the border wall construction


(Jose Luis Gonzalez / Reuters)

President Trump called on the federal judge who temporarily blocked the construction of the southern border wall "another activist appointed judge," and said his administration would appeal the decision.

Trump tweeted his response from Japan, where he is currently visiting the state. It was around 4 am on Sunday in Japan and around 4 pm Saturday on the east coast.

US District Judge Haywood S. Gilliam Jr. of the Northern District of California decided Friday to suspend construction of the wall with money not used by Congress, the court saying that a court challenge to the Trump's decision to get around the wall.

"Another activist appointed by Obama, a judge has just ruled against us on a section of the South Wall that is already under construction," Trump said on Twitter. "It's a decision against border security and for crime, drugs and human trafficking. We are asking for an expedited appeal!

Trump said a national emergency after a 35-day government partial closure on his refusal to fund the government with no money for the wall, his signing campaign pledge. When congressional Democrats did not give in, Trump agreed to open the government, but later transferred money from the Department of Defense to use as a wall.

The plaintiffs in the case argue that Trump violated the Constitution, which gives Congress the power of the stock market.

Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Co-Chair of the Progressive House Caucus, applauded the news of the judge's decision, tweeting: "The checks and balances go even further. The wall of Trump's vanity is a waste of money and against our values ​​as a country. Glad to see this blocked by a federal court!

The ACLU responded to Trump with his own tweet: "The Constitution is clear: the President does not have the power to spend taxpayers' money without congressional authorization … We are confident that the courts will continue to uphold this fundamental principle of our democracy – to have for centuries. "


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