Trump orders an overhaul of the asylum, including new fees for plaintiffs and quicker judgments, in a context of "serious" border crisis


President Trump on Monday called for a radical overhaul of an asylum system that he has long termed fraud – including new asylum seeker processing fees and the ability to quickly adjudicate their claims while prohibiting them from working in the United States. Meanwhile.

In a presidential memorandum, Trump specifically told Attorney General William Barr and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan that this was necessary to deal with a "crisis" at the border. In an article published earlier this month, the New York Times acknowledged that the humanitarian crisis of illegal immigration had reached a "breaking point".

Arrests along the southern border have exploded in recent months. Border officials made more than 100,000 arrests or entry bans in March, their highest level in 12 years. Immigration courts processing asylum applications currently have a backlog of more than 800,000 cases and asylum seekers are increasingly staying in the United States even after the rejection of their claims. request for asylum.


"This emergency continues to become more and more serious," reads Trump's memo. "The considerable resources needed to treat and care for these people are pushing US border and customs personnel away from border security in our country."

According to an information sheet published in the White House on Monday, on average, "out of 100 aliens expelled from the accelerated referral process who say they fear being persecuted, only about 12 will finally get asylum."

And "about half of all foreigners who apply for credible fear and are subsequently placed in referral do not really ask for asylum".

Honduran asylum seekers were arrested by US Border Patrol officers in San Diego during the last Demceber. (AP Photo / Moises Castillo, File)

Honduran asylum seekers were arrested by US Border Patrol officers in San Diego during the last Demceber. (AP Photo / Moises Castillo, File)

Although the vast majority of asylum applications are ultimately rejected, their full treatment takes months or even years to complete. The Asylum Act only covers refugees fleeing personal persecution based on a limited number of factors – such as political beliefs or religion – and does not protect people fleeing poor living conditions or poverty.

Last year, the Trump administration overturned asylum seekers' rationale for asylum, which extended protection to those who alleged domestic violence or gang-related attacks in their country . White House officials said at the time that these categories were subject to abuse and broadened the right to asylum beyond its original purpose.


In his memorandum, Trump gave his deputies 90 days to propose a settlement so that all asylum applications would be processed within 180 days, with the exception of those representing exceptional circumstances.

White House and DHS officials have not immediately responded to questions about the number of claimants who may be forced to pay asylum costs, and it is unclear how many families fleeing poverty could afford such a payment.

The note indicates that the price would not exceed the cost of processing claims, but officials did not immediately provide an estimate of what this might be.

A migrant from Central America naps in the shade under a freight car last week in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. (AP Photo / Moises Castillo)

A migrant from Central America naps in the shade under a freight car last week in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. (AP Photo / Moises Castillo)

Trump also wants to ban anyone who has entered or attempted to illegally enter the country from receiving a temporary work permit and calls on the authorities to immediately revoke work permits when people are denied asylum and are expelled from the country.

Immigration officials say asylum applications are booming because migrants know they will be able to live and work in the United States as long as their case is handled – and in many cases even after rejection of their request.

According to the White House, the number of "foreigners who have not gone to court and who have been deported in absentia has skyrocketed, with 17,200 removal orders issued in absentia during the first quarter of the year. Fiscal year 2019. … If this pace continues, the deportation orders in absentia would more than triple the 2013 total. "

For asylum applications emanating from a credible fear, "the deportation orders in absentia are expected to climb to 17,636 for the 2019 fiscal year, or about 20 times more than the total for the year." financial year 2010 ".


And since September 2018, "1 out of 6 family cases filed in expedited cases before 10 immigration courts has ended with a removal order in absentia," said the White House.

Trump also calls on DHS to reassign immigration officers and other personnel "to improve the integrity of decisions relating to legitimate and credible claims, to strengthen enforcement of laws and to Immigration and guarantee the respect of the law by foreigners moving orders. "

Shannon Bream of Fox News and the Associated Press contributed to this report.


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