Trump says he will not let Don McGahn testify before Congress: "It's done"


President Trump said Thursday that he would not allow former White House lawyer Don McGahn to appear before Congress to testify to his possible obstruction of justice.

"I've had it testified for 30 hours already," Trump told Fox News, citing McGahn's interviews with special advocate Robert Mueller.

McGahn told Mueller that he had resisted Trump's orders to dismiss the special advocate. Orders are a vital area of ​​interest for Democrats seeking to overthrow Trump, although Attorney General William Barr said they were not sufficient evidence of criminal obstruction. Mueller has found no underlying criminal conspiracy with Russia.

"Congress should not look at it, that's all, it's done," said Trump.

White House officials reported this week that Trump could assert the executive 's privilege over the testimony of McGahn and others, while Mueller' s report is presented as an exoneration.

"I've given full transparency – it's never happened before," Trump told Fox News.

Although Trump did not release his tax returns, he said Mueller's investigation indicated that his finances were also beyond suspicion, stating "I'm so clean".

"I guess they've looked at my taxes, I guess Mueller looked at my financial statements, with 20 people and 49 FBI agents, as well as all the staff and all the money spent," Trump said. . "I guess for the $ 35 million, my taxes, my phenomenal financial statements, they've gone through anything, and I'm so clean, think about it, two and a half years and all that money spent, nothing, very few people could have supported that. "


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