Trump says those who "spied" his campaign should be found guilty of treason


President Trump said the court-ordered FBI watch over his 2016 presidential campaign was treasonous and that people linked to it had to serve long prison terms.

"A very bad situation," tweeted Trump on Friday. "TREASON means long prison terms, and it was TREASON!"

FBI director Chris Wray said earlier this month that he does not consider surveillance as "spying" and that he has no evidence that the office illegally monitored the Trump campaign during his investigation into a possible collusion between the campaign and Russia.

His comments to the Senate Subcommittee on Assignments were a split from Attorney General William Barr, who described the surveillance as "spying". Barr did not say whether the FBI's monitoring of the campaign was inappropriate, but Trump relied on those comments to reinforce his position. claims.

In 2016, the FBI obtained a watchdog to monitor the contacts of former Trump campaign assistant Carter Page.

The Attorney General is investigating whether the FBI has abused its power to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The investigation of the special lawyer Robert Mueller in Russia does not conclude to the existence of a criminal plot between the contacts of the Trump campaign with the Russians during the campaign.

The New York Times announced earlier this month that the FBI had sent a government secret investigator to meet former Trump campaign advisor, George Papadopolous, whom a Maltese professor had informed during the campaign that Russia had Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Papadopoulos wrote in his book Target deep statethat the woman, who said she was a research assistant, asked her if the Trump campaign worked with Russia.


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