Trump takes credit for Pfizer vaccine development, says Americans wouldn’t yet have one without his leadership


President Trump asserted on Friday that the United States would not have a coronavirus vaccine en route had it not been in the Oval Office to oversee its development.

“We are ahead of the vaccine,” Trump said at a White House press conference. “You wouldn’t have a vaccine without me for another 4 years.”

The president felt that the Food and Drug Administration would never have been able to do what it asked it to do to speed up the process.

Through Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration coordinated and invested in accelerated vaccine development – with the ambitious goal of having 300 million doses of a safe vaccine available by January.


Pfizer and its partner BioNTech SE announced on Friday that it had requested emergency clearance, after clinical trial data showed their vaccine was 95% effective in preventing infection, with no serious safety concerns seen until present.

Moderna announced earlier this week that its vaccine candidate is slightly less 95% effective, and the company is expected to apply for emergency use approval soon.

The promising news comes as the United States braces for painful months amid a sharp resurgence of confirmed cases. This week, the country took a grim milestone, with data showing more than 254,000 Americans had fallen victim to the virus since the outbreak began.


Trump made the comments as he announced several new cost-cutting measures designed to lower prescription drug prices.

The measures included ending discounts for drug benefit managers, the link between the prices paid for drugs under Medicare and the prices paid for the same drugs in other countries, and the end of the Drug Benefit Initiative. unapproved drugs.

The president claimed that big pharmaceutical companies, like Pfizer, withheld promising results from vaccine trials until the end of the election because his administration was pursuing these actions to reduce drug prices, which is to the detriment of the big ones. pharmaceutical companies.

Pfizer said the timing of its results had nothing to do with election day.


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