Trump Tweets About Moon, Mars, Internet is scratching his head



If you were wondering why everyone was joking on the Moon and Mars online yesterday and today, all this can be traced to a tweet. President Trump was at the origin of the online publication that excited everyone's enthusiasm, staging a puzzle Friday afternoon about NASA's upcoming space missions. "For all the money we spend, NASA should NOT talk about going to the moon – we did it 50 years ago," he said. tweeted. "They should focus on the much bigger things we do, including Mars (which the Moon is part of), Defense and Science!" In addition to those who were wondering if the president really thought the moon was part of Mars, some have tried to understand how this new message stuck to recent messages in which the president seemed gung-ho on future expeditions on the moon.

In the middle of all the jokes, check the facts on the Moon (Mars is actually not part of the lunar landscape, if you did not know it now), and takes double – BuzzFeed rounds up a bunch – Business Insider puts a good one – a loyal effort to decipher what Trump meant and / or why he set up this post. He quotes Matt Gertz of Media Matters, who worked "backwards" to trace the thought of the president. Gertz's conclusion? It's a Neil Cavuto segment on NASA on Fox News about an hour before Trump's tweet triggered it. Cavuto thinks that NASA "is refocusing on the moon, the next sort of quest, if you will, but did not we do this thing of the moon a few decades ago?" Vox agrees with Cavuto's theory and adds a little more to the backstory here. (Read more from President Trump's stories.)


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