Two deaths, 142 more COVID-19 cases reported in Maine


The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday reported 142 new cases of COVID-19 as well as two additional deaths.

To date, 158 deaths in Maine have been linked to the coronavirus. While Maine’s death rate from COVID-19 remains among the lowest in the country, the number of virus-related deaths is increasing in Maine – including four additional deaths reported on Tuesday – as the virus reappears in the state.

The Maine CDC has followed a total of 8,202 cases since the virus was first detected in Maine in mid-March. Of that total, 7,300 are confirmed while 902 were listed as “probable” cases on Wednesday. The 142 new cases reported on Wednesday are down from 204 on Monday and 172 on Tuesday.

The seven-day moving average of new cases in Maine dipped slightly to 163.7 on Wednesday from 165. But that’s six times higher than the seven-day moving average of 27.1 reported four weeks ago and almost three times higher than the rate two weeks ago. , reflecting rapid spread of the virus in the state.

On Tuesday, the Maine CDC said five counties in Maine – Franklin, Knox, Waldo, Somerset and Washington – were experiencing “high or significant community transmission” of the virus. And Maine had the highest reproduction rate of the virus in the country, also known as the R number, according to the website which tracks the spread of the virus using publicly available data.

State health officials are urging residents of Maine to be vigilant about wearing face masks, which are necessary in all public places, as well as maintaining physical distance.

This story will be updated.

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