Two positive tests for HIV after the 'facial care of a vampire & # 39;


Two clients of a spa in Albuquerque, New Mexico, were infected with HIV after receiving "vampire facials" by injection. The New Mexico Department of Health offers free HIV and hepatitis B and C testing to anyone who gets shot at the VIP spa between May and September 2018, before the spa closes after a medical inspection .

The New Mexico government's investigation has revealed no other person exposed to HIV through the spa.

The treatment became popular after the actress Kim Kardashian filmed it for her show Kim and Kourtney take Miami in 2013. This involves taking the client's blood and circulating it through a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma. Then, micro-needles are used to puncture the skin several times, before the plasma is applied to all these holes.

According to the creator of the vampire facial, Charles Runels, the VIP spa has never been approved or trained to perform the procedure and has never been a certified provider of the company.

WebMD Health Summary Reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPH


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